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Best Summer Hair Care Tips By Hair Stylists

richard jenkin

Summer is all about enjoying the warm weather outdoors. But with the heat also comes a whole lot of elements that can wreck your hair and disrupt your regular hair care routine. While we all love being outdoors or basking the sun in the beach, heat can be a cause for broken and damaged hair. Hence, a proper summer hair care routine is important to maintain the health of your luscious tresses.

Summer Hair Care Tips Suggested by Hair Care Experts

If you are battling heat and humidity, how do you know what hair care routine is best for you? Well, there are several tricks and tips you can follow to tackle the heat damage on your hair this summer.

1} Extra Conditioning

While you are busy quenching your thirst this summer, you may not have realized that your hair gets thirsty too. So why not quench your hair’s thirst with some extra moisture? This summer, it is advised to switch your regular shampoo and conditioners with moisturizing formulas, hair oils, and hair serums. These helps reverse parched looks. If you are looking for deep level moisture, you can use live in conditioners and conditioning masks.

2} Hair Sunscreens

While your skin requires sunscreen to protect it from the harmful rays of the sun, your hair needs the same protection too. Your hair can also absorb harmful UV rays from the sun and get damaged. While picking up your favorite skin sunscreen products, consider shopping summer hair care products with the adequate amount of sunscreen.

3} Avoid Excess Heat

If you are fond of heat styling your hair, it might be a good idea to drop it in summer. Additional heat can strip the scalp of natural oils. Try ditching all your heat hair appliances this summer and look for healthy alternatives. Try using a microfiber towel instead of a hair dryer to dry your hair. This helps absorb more water and avoid the frizz.

4} Wash Less

During summer, it gets tempting to wash your hair every day. However, washing frequently removes all the natural oils and makes the scalp dry and prone to other infections. If you want to feel fresh, you can use a dry shampoo between your washes to extend the duration. You can also sprinkle some powder on your scalp and massage well to absorb extra grease, thereby leaving your hair fresh.

5} Protect the Color

You would not want the sun to damage the hair color that you love. However, sun can do extensive damage to hair color. It is advised to cover your hair well every time you step out in the sun. You can style your hair with a pretty scarf or a funky cap to protect your hair as well as look cool.

6} Get a haircut

In summer, your hair is likely to dry more and cause split ends. These split ends make your hair look frizzy and ragged. Getting your hair regularly trimmed will keep split ends at bay and make your hair healthier. Haircuts also make your hair less tangled and less prone to breakage. 

7} Wear Loose Styles

Hairstyles make a huge difference during summer. As the heat can be brutal, those suffering from frizzy hair can have nightmares during summer. It is advised to try out care free and loose hair styles to keep you more comfortable. Additionally, loose hairstyles like high ponytails, buns, and braids keep frizzy hair at bay.


The above summer hair care tips are suggested by expert hair stylists and will definitely ensure your hair health stays intact this summer. If you are feeling lost and don’t know how to manage your hair all by yourself this summer, our hair stylists will guide you the right way. Your hair health is in our hands.

hair salon fremantle

richard jenkin
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