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Fat Laser Lipo Las Vegas And Seeking To Melt Fat Away

Fat Laser Lipo Las Vegas And Seeking To Melt Fat Away

But a relatively new fat Laser Lipo Las Vegas treatment called Lipo dissolve eliminates the additional fat deposits by using fat dissolving injections. The Lipo dissolve procedure,Guest Posting also known as Lipostabil, is a non-invasive method for melting body fat without plastic surgery. Instead, patients are required to take a number of weight loss injections at the sites where unwanted fat has accumulated in the body.

Fat Loss without Surgery

The Lipo dissolve procedure has been gaining in popularity with each day with even Hollywood celebrities like Nicole Kidman and Britney Spears opting for the fat dissolving injections to keep in shape. In fact, many have hailed Lipostabil as a miracle drug that helps the weight loss community to melt away unwanted fat without going under the scalpel. Despite the growing craze for Las Vegas Laser Lipo or the fat injections among physicians and patients alike, the Lipo dissolve procedure is neither tested nor licensed for cosmetic use. Known by different names such as Lipostabil, Lipolysis, Lipotherapy, Flab Jab and even ThinJection, the Lipo dissolve is still considered to be controversial fat injections treatment where a combination of drugs are introduced into patients to destroy fat cells that are eventually eliminated from the body through urine and feces.

Much like the mesotherapy, Lipo dissolve also claims to get rid of surplus fat in localized areas of the body by administering fat loss injections. In fact, order Lipostabil or the fat injections are said to best suit people who have tried all fat loss methods, including diets and exercise, but still failed to shed the extra flab in the face, abdomen, back, hips and thighs. The Lipo dissolve procedure, which is yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), involves introducing a drug amalgam by means of numerous fat dissolving injections into subcutaneous fat using the 30G needle.

The major elements present in the fat dissolving medical injection administered into the fat cell comprise Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and L-Carnitine. PPC present in Lipostabil is a soy lecithin substance that is said to be effective in reducing the fatty pads in the treated areas. It appears that PPC is able to enhance cholesterol solubility, change the arrangement of fat deposits, and slow down plaque accumulation in the body. It is believed that the fat injections infiltrate the fat cells, acting as a softening agent making the stored lipids water soluble and disposal through excrement.


The results of the Lipo dissolve procedure also vary depending on the dimension of the area being treated. In most cases, people taking the fat dissolving injections experience fat loss of at least 1-5 cm per treatment. Normally, the utmost fat loss owing to the fat injections takes place in the waist or belly region, while the smallest amount of fat loss is noticed in the legs. These weight loss injections are administered over one to three healing sessions each of which are spread over four to six weeks. The results of using the fat dissolving injections are gradually noticeable taking one to three weeks to experience the benefits.

In addition, the L-Carnitine contained in Lipostabil is made in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It enhances the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are ‘burned’ to release energy for body functions. L-Carnitine, a major element in the fat dissolving injections, has also been found to avert ischemia-induced heart malfunctioning and delays the progression of Alzheimer’s disease owing to its capability to enhance metabolism. According to the findings of some recent studies, phosphatidylcholine, present in Lipostabil may be used to treat AIDS cases, particularly in the reduction of lipodystrophy – buffalo hump – without the need for surgery.

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