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Top Auto Electric Parts Faults, Causes, And Prevention Tips


We know how the genuine auto parts play a role in improving the life of your vehicle. As you have come here looking for Ford Genuine Parts, let us tell you why getting genuine parts are crucial for your vehicle. They help you boost the electrical systems in automobiles thereby ensuring smooth operation. However, these components are also vulnerable and susceptible to faults and failures over a period of time.

In the following section, we will dive into the common faults and causes along with the prevention tips to help you maintain your vehicles for a life time.

Dead Battery

What causes battery failure?

  1. Wear and tear due to age: The batteries of your car will degrade over time resulting in reduced capacity to hold the charge effectively.
  2. Electrical drain: Radios and Leaying lights, or other electrical devices kept switched on even when the car is not running can lead to battery power drain.
  3. Charging system is faulty: A malfunctioning voltage regulator or alternator will fail to recharge your battery.
  4. Extreme temperatures: The harsh weather in summers and winters can lead to battery failures and affect the life-span of the battery. 

What are the signs of battery failure? 

  1. Engine cranking and taking time to start: This is the most common sign of a battery failure. A weakened battery may struggle to provide sufficient power to start the engine.
  2. Dimming headlights and interior lights: When your battery is not working properly, it will start exhibiting signs in many places. For example, the headlights will look dim and interior lights will not work well.
  3. Clicking sounds when turning the key: Inadequate power supply can also result in clicking noise when attempting to start the vehicle.
  4. When the battery has failed in your vehicle, the battery light will start illuminating the dashboard and this indicator light alerts the driver to potential battery issues. 
  5. Weak battery can also cause electrical accessories to malfunction or they shall operate at reduced capacity. 

What are the prevention and maintenance tips? 

Consider the following tips when you are trying to prevent battery failure and ensure its optimal performance: 

  • You must make sure that the battery is taken for regular maintenance. You should do it yourself by cleaning battery terminals and connections using a battery terminal brush and ensure a secure electrical connection.
  • Avoid excessive electrical drain: Do not use battery when the car is turned off.
  • You must test your batteries regularly. Get a test done under an expert mechanic. 

Whenever any auto part malfunctions, make sure that you buy Ford Genuine Parts and Accessories from OEM companies. Talk to us to know more.

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