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What Are The Considerations When Choosing Dental Crown Material?

What Are The Considerations When Choosing Dental Crown Material?

When you are ready to undergo dental crown treatment, deciding the right material type is necessary. There are various material types available in the dental industry. There are several considerations for choosing a crown material.

A crown is like a protective hat covering chipped, broken, and cracked teeth. It is suggested to improve the appearance and proper function of the weak tooth. Dentists recommend Porcelain Crown because of their great benefits and longer lifespan. Let’s check out the considerations for choosing the right crown. 

Consider your Appearance 

 When you are considering cosmetic enhancement, Porcelain Crown will be the best choice. It gives the most natural look and feels like your own teeth. Other material types can lead to allergies for sensitive individuals. Porcelain material is free of causing reactions and allergies. 

There is also metal-fused porcelain which is highly functional and has the most realistic feel. However, the underlying metal can sometimes be slightly exposed, based on the gum line. Metal adds strength to teeth and is ideal when used as bridge anchors.

Compare the Material Costs 

Insurance plans are different, so ensure to consult and find out your coverage. Some treatment types and products will be covered, and some don’t. Dental crowns that are required for cosmetic reasons are usually not covered. Some additional parameters are excluded for replacements. Also, some material is not considered in the insurance plan. 

You can go for full resin, which is a cost-effective solution. This crown material is very less expensive compared to other crown types. However, it wears out quickly over time and can break more easily. This is why Porcelain Crown is the best option over resin. It is a highly durable material compared to others and is worthy of investment.

Specific Reason Behind Crown Replacement

When your goal is purely cosmetic, you have to consider whether porcelain crowns are a highly appropriate choice or not. These crowns are usually irreversible and expensive. So, it won’t be an easier option to continue with if you are looking forward to dental implants. However, Porcelain Crown is highly effective in holding broken and chipped teeth. You can reinforce the teeth with extra fillings.

Moreover, the porcelain crowns can hold bridges and implants tightly. Further, it will increase the prolong functionality of your teeth. Therefore, consider your specific reason for undergoing a dental crown treatment. This will help you to go for the right material type. 

Final Thoughts 

These are the major considerations in selecting the crown of the right material type. Porcelain Crowns are highly recommended because of their durability and improved functionality. Hence, it is the right material to invest in. Want a high-quality porcelain crown for your dental practice? Shop at Baluke Dental Studios.

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