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Mao Shan Wang Durian: The King of Fruits in Singapore

R&R Durian
Mao Shan Wang Durian: The King of Fruits in Singapore

In the tropical paradise of Singapore, a remarkable delicacy holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike - the Mao Shan Wang durian. Known as the "King of Fruits," this pungent and creamy delight has become an iconic symbol of Singapore's gastronomic culture.

Origins and Characteristics

Mao Shan Wang, also referred to as Musang King, hails from the hills of Malaysia and Thailand, but it has found a second home in Singapore. Renowned for its distinctive taste and aroma, this durian variant features a bittersweet flavour with notes of caramel and roasted almond and a custard-like texture that melts in the mouth. Its rich yellow flesh is wrapped within a thorny husk, which often discourages the faint-hearted due to its powerful scent.


Cultural Significance

Mao Shan Wang durian has evolved from mere fruit to a cultural phenomenon in Singapore. Its popularity is evidenced by the numerous durian stalls dotting the streets of the city-state. Locals and tourists gather around these stalls, indulging in the art of selecting the perfect durian, a skill that requires careful observation of the colour, texture, and aroma.


Health Benefits

Beyond its sensational taste, Mao Shan Wang durian offers surprising health benefits. This fruit is a nutritional powerhouse, containing dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It's an excellent source of vitamin C, essential for boosting the immune system. Additionally, durian contains potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, and dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health.


Culinary Uses

Mao Shan Wang durian's allure doesn't stop at its natural state. In Singapore, creative chefs have incorporated this fruit into various culinary creations. The possibilities seem endless, from durian pastries and cakes to durian ice cream and pancakes. These dishes provide a balanced blend of the durian's intense flavor with other ingredients, appealing to durian enthusiasts and those trying it for the first time.


Sustainability and Conservation Efforts

As the demand for Mao Shan Wang durian grows, concerns about sustainability and conservation have arisen. Due to its popularity, there's an increased risk of over-harvesting and deforestation in the regions where it's grown. To address these issues, responsible farming practices and conservation efforts are being implemented to ensure the longevity of this beloved fruit and its ecosystem.



Mao Shan Wang durian stands as an emblem of Singapore's vibrant culinary landscape. Its unique flavor, texture, and cultural significance have made it a beloved staple for locals and a must-try visitor experience. Whether enjoyed in its raw form or incorporated into innovative dishes, the King of Fruits continues to reign supreme, delighting palates and exemplifying Singapore's rich diversity of flavors. Visit their website to order today!


R&R Durian
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