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Exploring the types of Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Timex metal
Exploring the types of Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Timex Metals is a significant Wire Mesh Manufacturers in India. We service a variety of sectors as one of the world's largest wire mesh manufacturers. Because of our heat treatment knowledge, we can create and export Wire Mesh Supplier with the proper mechanical qualities and an acceptable and stipulated chemistry. SS Column Pipe Adapter in UAE can also provide clients customised options by supplying steel wire mesh and other varieties with particular attributes.

Furthermore, we are the leading provider of Shaft Sleeve Pump Manufacturers, SS Manhole Cover Manufacturers, and SS Column Pipe Adapter Manufacturers. Wire mesh is available in diameters ranging from 15 mm to 400 mm. We have a solid reputation for offering a comprehensive range of Wire Mesh

Wire Mesh Manufacturer - Specifications

A variety of Wire Mesh specifications are available based on project requirements.

  • Size Range - 15 mm to 400 mm
  • Length - 2 meters to 8 meters (8 feet to 26 feet)
  • Standards - ASTM, ASME, DIN, NF, JIS, EN, IOS
  • Crack Test - Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
  • Tolerance - +/-1.00% OF SIZE - 15 MM TO 95 MM +/- 1.50% TO 2.00% OF SIZE - 95 MM TO 400 MM

We Export Wire Mesh to:

Countries We Supply Fasteners

We Export SS Column Pipe Adapter to

Additionally, Wire Mesh is an Inconel, Monel, Nitronic, and SS Wire Mesh manufacturer in India. The wire mesh sector in India is highly competitive, dynamic, and concerned with quality and customer satisfaction. Wire Mesh Suppliers in UAE ensure they understand their customers' demands to produce high-quality goods that satisfy industry standards. 

Timex metal
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