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If you want to take a break from a beach holiday in Bali and plunge into the local culture, then there are many interesting museums on the island that are worth visiting. Let's look at some of them.

The Agung Rai Museum

is located in Ubud and is one of the most famous museums on the island. In this museum you will find a unique collection of both classical and contemporary art created by Balinese and Indonesian artists. It also presents the history of the island through art and cultural artifacts.

Negara Curta Gosa Museum

This museum is located in the old royal palace in Klungkung and is a historical and cultural center. Here you can learn more about traditional Balinese and Indonesian arts and crafts.

Goa Gajah Museum (Elephant Cave)

It is located near Ubud and is famous for its sculptures and reliefs telling stories from the epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. This museum is also a spiritual place for locals and travelers.

Kebon Vintage Cars Museum

This unique museum was founded by an enthusiast and has collected more than a hundred vintage cars from around the world. This is a great place for photos. All cars look like new and are presented in an interesting interior design.

Antonio Blanco Museum

It is also located in Ubud and includes an impressive collection of Balinese and Indonesian art. Here you can see paintings, sculptures and textiles reflecting the diversity of artistic styles and techniques of the region.

Purbakal Museum

This archaeological museum in Jimbaran offers many archaeological exhibits, some of which date back more than two thousand years. Here you can learn about the ancient history of Bali and its population.

Puri Lukisan Museum

In this museum you will find works of Balinese fine art and wood carvings, including exhibits created in the XVI century.

Pacific Museum

Also called the Museum of Asian Art, it offers a wide range of cultural artifacts collected not only in the Pacific, but also in Asia. The exhibits impress with their antiquity and strangeness.

Taman Nusa Museum

The Taman Nusa Cultural Park is located in the open air and provides an opportunity to get acquainted with various ethnic groups of Indonesia, their crafts and traditions.

Subak Rice Museum

This museum is interesting because it tells about the history of rice cultivation in Bali and about the traditional irrigation system of fields known as "Subak".

Gamelan and Balinese Dance Museum

Located in Batubulan, this museum presents an opportunity to learn more about traditional Balinese music and instruments, as well as even try yourself playing the gamelan.

Bali Museum in Denpasar

This museum offers the most complete insight into the traditional life of the Balinese. There are exhibits of various arts, theatrical masks, musical instruments, paintings, sculptures and much more.

Museum of Masks and Dolls

This museum is presented in the style of traditional Balinese architecture and contains masks and dolls from both Bali and around the world.

Ogoh-Ogoh Museum

This unusual museum collects figures of monsters that are burned during the Balinese New Year. It provides a unique look at this holiday.

Now you have an extensive selection of museums in Bali to immerse yourself in the history, art and culture of this beautiful island. Choose the ones that will interest you the most and enjoy the journey!

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