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Corner Booth Seating vs. Regular Tables – What to Choose for Your Restaurant?

Havea Seat
Corner Booth Seating vs. Regular Tables – What to Choose for Your Restaurant?

What will be the best seating options for modern restaurants? Well, if you’re planning to include something unique, think of custom corner booth seating options. Having a cosy look and feel, these booth seating options can do wonders in your eatery. Besides that, they can get along with most interior décors. But that doesn’t mean that restaurant tables are bad. There’re tonnes of eateries in Australia with regular dining tables. You can even find a wide range in both tables and booths.

So, what should you choose for your eatery? Let’s find that out in the below blog post.


What should you choose for your restaurant’s seating?


As per the poll results of a 2022 blog, 59% of 2,095 voters chose booths for preferred restaurant seating, 25% chose tables and 16% chose no preferences. Hence, it’s complicated to choose the ideal seating for modern-day eateries. Well, below are some more comparative insights,

1. Privacy:

  • In terms of privacy, booth seating options beat the regular dining tables.
  • The restaurant booth feels more private than the dining chairs because it’s usually located next to a wall.
  • Booth seatings are ideal for business meetings or a romantic dining experience, as no one can disturb you. Also, they’re great for family dinners with kids, as they can be sat on the wall side.
  • While restaurant tables can be accessed by all the passersby people.

2. Cosiness:

  • If you want to create a sense of cosiness in your restaurant, booth seating will be the best choice.
  • Booth seating creates a relaxed atmosphere in your eatery to allow customers to enjoy their meals when having the entire space to themselves.
  • Dining tables offer open spaces around your guests that may distract them from the conversation. Also, the open setting can expose them to the outside world.

3. Comfort:

  • Both booth seating and restaurant table setting can bring a sense of comfort to the eatery.
  • Booth seating options offer thick padded backs and seats making it more comfortable for sitting for hours.
  • While restaurant dining chairs also come with padded seats and backs along with armrests to offer the greatest comfort.
  • Booth seating offers a larger seating area than the regular dining chairs for extra comfort.

4. Flexibility:

  • In terms of flexibility, restaurant tables beat the booth seating options.
  • Since you can arrange the chairs and tables in the dining setting, they’re more flexible.
  • You can even arrange the restaurant tables for a large group wanting to sit together.
  • Restaurant chairs can also be pushed and pulled out without blocking any people. While booth seating involves a person on a fixed seat.
  • People can join and leave the table without interrupting anyone at a restaurant table, but not in booth seating.

5. Traffic:

  • Restaurant booth seating offers less foot traffic compared to the tables.
  • Fixed to a wall on one side, the booth setting limits the interaction with the crowd from one side.
  • Restaurant tables are open from both sides, allowing people to pass by them when reaching others.
  • Restaurant tables also allow brushing against other guests and disturbances from staff(s).

6. Style:

  • Both restaurant tables and booth seating options come with tonnes of styles and designs.
  • You’ll find a broad range of restaurant tables and chairs made of wood, metal, plastics and upholstery. While most booth seating options are upholstered.
  • But when it comes to luxury, booth seating options beat regular restaurant dining options with thick-padded seats and backrests.

7. More space:

  • Restaurant booth seating offers more room for people while restaurant tables don’t.
  • Many people often bring lots of things like coats, laptops, bags and shopping bags when visiting an eatery. The extra space of the booth can allow them to keep the items there at their seats.
  • While restaurant tables don’t offer this feature. So, if you’ve got a lot of things, you’ll need another chair to keep them.

Concluding with,


Both restaurant corner booth seating and regular dining tables are great options. But as per the comparison, the booth seating beats the regular dining tables and chairs. So, if you’re thinking of installing any one of them, choosing the booth seating options will be ideal.


Author Bio: The author owns a furniture shop. For years, he’s helped many people find the best corner booth seating. Also, he’s written many articles and blog posts on the same.

Havea Seat
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