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What is FUT+FUE Hair Transplant Technique?

Jacob Kaul
What is FUT+FUE Hair Transplant Technique?

One of India's cleanest and happiest cities, Chandigarh serves as both the capital of Punjab and Haryana. Due to Delhi's proximity to the city—about 260 kilometers—it is easily accessible from the capital.

Like in any other city, hair transplant procedures are widely accepted in Chandigarh, and many people see them as the only effective way to address hair loss. The irreversible nature of the hair transplant has made it popular because it will permanently end your hair loss problem.

It used to be a common misconception that hair transplants were only appropriate for men, but the truth is that both men and women can undergo the procedure. The hair transplant is becoming even more popular as a result of the fact that younger generations are now seeking such cosmetic procedures because hair loss is not just an issue for the elderly any longer.

If you're looking for the best hair transplant in Chandigarh, there are many to choose from, but the best are in Delhi and Jaipur. Would you mind making the extra trip if we told you that you could have an amazing hair transplant with amazing results? It is clear that no one would want to entrust their priceless hair follicles at a regular clinic that tourists travel to in order to receive hair transplants. Despite low hair transplant cost in Chandigarh, Delhi continues to enjoy unrivaled popularity.

Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur may be your ideal hair transplant tourism destination. You can rely on us for a safe and complication-free hair transplant as well as a first-rate hair transplant experience.


Both FUT and FUE are used in this combination method of graft harvesting. Following the strip technique (FUT), the FUE method is used. In comparison to either method of graft harvesting alone, this method favors transplantation of a larger bald area and offers a large number of grafts for harvesting. Therefore, it is the responsibility of a skilled surgeon to choose the appropriate technique in accordance with the need and requirement of the patient. In some situations, the results provided by a combination technique are significantly better than either technique used alone.

Combination technique of hair transplant

Let's look at the combination technique's step-by-step execution:

Graft harvesting is done first using the FUT hair transplant technique, then the FUE technique.

Strip technique or FUT (follicular unit transplantation): Depending on the availability of hair density, particularly from the back and sides of the head, as well as the required number of grafts and skin laxity, a thin strip of 1 to 1.5 cm is harvested from the donor area. For future use in cases of progressive hair loss and Norwood Class VII, about 2 cm of the area below the harvested strip is left. In a single session, 3000–3500 grafts from a single strip that is dissected under high loop magnification could be successfully harvested. An advanced method known as the trichophytic approach for almost invisible scars is used to further close the donor site.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): FUE is used to extract the remaining grafts after the FUT hair transplant procedure. The minimum number of grafts, between 500 and 1000, are extracted using FUE after the maximum number of grafts have been harvested. To lower the rate of damage and avoid the scars blending together, the grafts are extracted from a greater distance between each graft.

Graft implantation: Follicular grafts are implanted following graft harvesting. The process of implanting is essential for achieving natural results. As a result, the procedure should be carried out by a skilled surgeon to guarantee the best long-lasting and organic results. When used properly, the combination technique has the added advantage of producing both single and multiple thick grafts. To achieve the most natural look, single grafts are typically transplanted at the front line and temporal triangles. To ensure a fuller appearance and cover balder spots, numerous thick grafts are planted in the rear rows, mostly from the third row.

Why should FUT+FUE be preferred over FUT and FUE alone?

1. Despite requiring a higher number of grafts to be extracted, this technique has the biggest benefit of allowing for future sittings. The main justification for choosing this method over either one alone is the preservation of the donor site for long-term benefits, especially FUE where it is nearly impossible to pursue future sitting that could cause density depletion and safe area violation.

2. By reducing the strip width and using the advanced trichophytic closure technique, which produces almost invisible scars, this technique can reduce the likelihood of scarring after healing.

3. In cases of progressive hair loss, the technique is applied by reducing the width of the strip while leaving a width of 2 cm strip for future use. FUE is skilfully carried out from underneath the left strip by increasing the distance between the harvested grafts, which lowers the risk of graft damage, one of the main drawbacks of the technique.

4. If a combination technique is chosen and is carried out by expert hands, the damage rate drops to less than 1%. The majority of grafts are harvested using the FUT technique, which is carried out under high magnification. The remaining grafts are harvested using the FUE technique, which is a blind procedure that, if carried out incorrectly, has a high rate of graft damage.

5. In comparison to FUT and FUE alone, this technique can produce the most natural results when carried out by a skilled surgeon. The front line and temporal triangles are best treated with single FUT-obtained grafts. Additionally, thicker multiple grafts are planted in the rear lines for a fuller, better appearance.

Jacob Kaul
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