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Dr. Trupti Kharosekar: Infertility specialist in Thane


Dr. Trupti Kharosekar is a renowned infertility specialist in Thane, Maharashtra. She is a highly experienced and qualified doctor who has helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood.

Dr. Kharosekar is a gold medalist in M.B.B.S from Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L Nair hospital, Mumbai. She has also completed a post-graduation in Obstetrics & Gynecology, where she was a topper in the Department of OBGY at Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad.

In addition to her academic qualifications, Dr. Kharosekar has also undergone specialized training in Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). She has trained with leading infertility experts such as Dr. Firuza Parikh (IVF department, Jaslok Hospital) and Dr. Shubhada Khandeparkar (Dr. Khandeparkar's Infertility & IVF Centre).

Dr. Kharosekar is a compassionate and understanding doctor who is dedicated to providing her patients with the highest quality care. She takes the time to listen to her patients' concerns and works with them to develop personalized treatment plans that are tailored to their individual needs.

Dr. Kharosekar offers a wide range of fertility treatments, including:

Fertility counseling

Hormonal assessment

PCOS treatment

Evaluation of male partner

Treatment of male infertility & erectile dysfunction




Egg donation

Sperm banking


Other fertility options

Dr. Kharosekar is committed to helping her patients achieve their dream of parenthood. She is a highly skilled and experienced doctor who is dedicated to providing her patients with the best possible care.

Keywords: infertility specialist in thane, Dr. Trupti Kharosekar, IVF specialist in thane, fertility treatment in thane, assisted reproductive technology (ART), PCOS treatment, male infertility treatment, surrogacy, egg donation, sperm banking

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