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How to Stop Thumb Sucking: A Pediatric Dentist's Guide

Ziva Dental

Thumb-sucking starts when a child finds it soothing and comforting, but the problem starts when it continues until they have permanent teeth. It not only damages the bone structure in the mouth but also jeopardizes their ability to speak, leading to a condition called speech impediment if this soothing habit isn't brought to an end.


At Ziva Dental, their pediatric dentists have extensive experience with parents who have concerns about this habit. They can provide you with valuable tips on how to help your child break this habit. Furthermore, they can explain how, if left unaddressed, thumb-sucking results in severe speech impairment.


How Does the Habit of Thumb Sucking Affect the Ability to Speak?

The relationship between sucking thumb or fingers and the development of speech impediments is evident based on research conducted in the USA and Chile. The study revealed that children who sucked their fingers or thumbs for more than three years were more likely to develop speech impediments.


Children typically begin their journey of speech development between the ages of 12 months and 18 months, and it largely depends on proper tongue placement. Prolonged thumb-sucking can hinder proper tongue placement, leading to speech problems.


According to the pediatric dentists at children’s dentistry in San Antonio, this habit often persists into adulthood if not addressed in early childhood.


Tips for Breaking the Thumb-Sucking Habit

Ignoring the red flag that can affect your child’s development is detrimental, which is why you should try to follow these three tips suggested by expert dentist in San Antonio at Ziva Dental.


Identify The Underlying Cause

Try to determine the root cause of thumb sucking. Every child's behavior has a psychological basis. While thumb-sucking is generally a normal behavior among kids to soothe themselves, if it continues beyond the age of 3, you should investigate potential causes, which could include anxiety or the need for parental comfort.


Use Positive Reinforcement

Children are in a phase of learning, and they respond well to positive reinforcement. It's important to discourage their bad habit and reward them when they refrain from sucking their thumb. Encouraging their good behavior can be very effective.


Consult a Pediatric Dentist

Consider taking your child to a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to work with children, and kids often see them as authoritative figures. If children are not convinced by their parents, dentists can help by providing guidance, soothing their concerns, and explaining the importance of breaking the thumb-sucking habit. You can visit a pediatric dental office on Culebra Rd for such a session.


The Bottom Line

As a final note, transitioning away from thumb-sucking can be challenging, but with the support and guidance of experts like the dentists at Dental Clinic in San Antonio, you can certainly make the journey smoother and more manageable.

Ziva Dental
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