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The Tomatis® Method for Diagnosing Learning Disabilities and Auditory Processing Disorders

Autism Therapy Sydney

It is not a diagnostic tool to use the Tomatis® listening test. Instead, it assesses the likelihood of APD in both adults and kids. Children younger than seven can be tested, unlike other diagnostic methods. These are the ages when brain training can significantly influence brain growth. According to a study, learning a musical instrument before age seven can permanently alter the brain and behaviour. 


Our Tomatis® trained experts to administer the listening exam during various sessions. These are the initial interview, listening sessions in the passive phase, and listening sessions in the active phase. Our experts monitor your child's development during the sessions. 


How does the Tomatis® Approach operate? 


The Tomatis® Method adheres to neuroplasticity's basic tenets. The ability of brain neurons to "change its connections and behaviour in response to new information, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or dysfunction" is known as neuroplasticity. This characteristic is present in the central auditory nerve system, which controls auditory processing. 


According to a study, the brain's neuroplasticity enables auditory training to cause biological and behavioural changes. The Tomatis® Method stimulates the brain to retrain the listening function. There are frequently Mozart and Gregorian chants played. To increase high-frequency sounds, the music is filtered utilising a technological gadget called TalksUp® through the Gating®. 


The first 20 weeks a foetus spends in a mother's womb are crucial for developing its auditory system. Speech, music, and other external noises are all examples of auditory stimulation that the auditory system requires. These elements provide a sound auditory system. 


Dr. Tomatis was aware of this idea. The mother's physical and emotional health can impact the development of the unborn kid, including listening. The Tomatis® Method records the mother's voice to transport the kid back to their time in the womb. When used properly, this kind of sonic journey therapy depends on the person's customised program. 


Click here to learn more about learning difficulties & auditory processing disorder

Autism Therapy Sydney
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