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Solar Power in Australia | advancedsolartechnology.com.au

Advanced Solar Technology

Solar power is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Australian economy. It provides a great way for homeowners to save money on their electricity bills and generate income by selling their excess energy back to the grid.

Moreover, the prices of polysilicon, a key raw material for solar panels, have dropped drastically thanks to technological advances and excess production capacity in China. This has led to an unprecedented growth in solar power installations in Australia.

Save Money on Your Electricity Bills

With rising electricity rates, homeowners and businesses are increasingly looking to save money by switching to Solar power in Australia. Australia is an ideal country to adopt this technology due to its abundant supply of sunlight.

Solar energy is a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. It is a cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency in homes, offices and factories.

In the past, the upfront costs of installing solar panels were a barrier for many households, but this has changed with rebates and incentives offered by the government. Australia’s state governments are streamlining building codes and permitting processes to make it easier for residents to install rooftop solar. These incentives have helped to accelerate the growth of solar in the country. Now more than one in three Australian homes generate electricity from their own rooftops. It’s a growing phenomenon that is changing the nation’s energy landscape for the better.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

While we’re only one small part of 7.2 billion people on the planet, doing our bit for sustainability is something that everyone can do. Solar power reduces your family’s dependence on fossil fuel electricity, which cuts down on carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere.

With rooftop Solar company Perth systems now cheaper than ever before, it’s easier than ever for people to go green and help fight climate change. As well as reducing their own electricity bills, homeowners are able to take control of their energy needs and play a role in helping Australia meet its renewable energy target.

This can be achieved through government solar rebates that will be reducing in 2022, state government feed-in tariffs, and the falling cost of the raw materials needed to make the panels (polysilicon). With prices for polysilicon already dropping in early 2021, it’s expected to be cheaper than ever before for households to get into the green energy game.

Add Value to Your Home or Business

Solar panels can add a significant amount of value to your home or business. They are a great investment that will last for years to come. They also help reduce your carbon footprint by providing clean energy. You can even get a rebate from the federal government and some states for installing solar panels.

If you are thinking about selling your property, having solar panels installed is a great way to increase its value. According to Domain, homes with solar panels sell on average $125,000 higher than those without them. In addition, a home with solar panels is more appealing to potential tenants because it will help them save money on their electricity bills. This is good news for landlords who are looking to get the most out of their rental properties.

Save the Environment

Solar installation Perth power helps preserve our natural environment by reducing the need for coal, oil and gas power plants. This decreases deforestation, waste discharge, roadbuilding and drilling activities that can cause damage to unique ecosystems. It also reduces the risk of oil spills, water contamination, sinking land and lost habitats.

The use of solar energy also decreases greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming. This helps slow down climate change, especially in Australia where the effects of global warming are already being felt.

With rooftop solar making up nearly 11% of Australia’s electricity supply and growing rapidly, it has helped push coal off the grid. Even a decade ago, renewables sceptics would have laughed at the idea of rooftop solar providing this much power. But now, it is clear that the transition to clean energy is occurring faster than anyone expected. And you can be part of it. By switching to solar, you can help ensure a future that is free from fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.

Advanced Solar Technology
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