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Equipment configuration and composition of cow manure organic fertilizer production line

Equipment configuration and composition of cow manure organic fertilizer production line

With the implementation of agricultural policies, it is necessary to fundamentally improve the pollution problem in agriculture and animal husbandry. The large amount of animal manure produced by breeding farms is used to produce green organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are returned to the fields for organic agriculture, and agricultural waste and fruits are fed to various livestock and poultry, forming a natural and green ecological chain to maintain ecological balance and allow us to rediscover our farm life.

The equipment configuration of the cow manure organic fertilizer production line varies according to the different raw materials, and suitable plans can also be made according to the investment budget. The equipment prices of the cow manure organic fertilizer production line vary with different yields. Firstly, it is necessary to consider the amount of organic fertilizer production that you want to invest in, and then inform the manufacturer of the raw materials used for processing and production. This will provide an approximate price range for everyone, and then select the appropriate production line configuration based on the expected investment. As mentioned earlier, the equipment of the cow manure organic fertilizer production line is combined according to different production equipment and can be customized according to the production needs of users, with flexible investment adjustments.

The equipment of the cow manure organic fertilizer production line mainly consists of a fermentation deodorization system, a crushing system, a batching system, a mixing system, a granulation system, a cooling and drying system, a screening system, and a finished product packaging system.

Small scale organic fertilizer production equipment has a wide range of raw materials for producing organic fertilizers, with common ones being animal manure such as chicken manure, pig manure, and cow manure. This type of raw material needs to undergo biological fermentation and then meet the standards for harmless treatment, in order to further produce commercial organic fertilizer.

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