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The Ultimate Guide to Numbing Creams for Tattoos: What You Need to Know

Chamsi Pirson

Tattoos are a timeless form of self-expression, but for many, the pain associated with getting inked can be a significant deterrent. Fortunately, advancements in numbing cream technology have revolutionised the tattooing experience, offering individuals the opportunity to minimise discomfort and enhance their overall satisfaction. Numbing cream for tattoos is a topical solution applied to the skin before tattooing to minimise pain and discomfort. Typically containing active ingredients like lidocaine or benzocaine, it works by temporarily desensitising the skin's nerve endings. 

Numbing creams can significantly reduce pain during the tattooing process, making it more manageable for individuals with low pain tolerance. However, it's essential to follow the provided instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use without impacting the tattoo's outcome. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about numbing creams for tattoos, from how they work to tips on selecting the right one for your needs.

Understanding Numbing Creams

Numbing creams, also known as topical anaesthetics, are formulations designed to temporarily desensitise the skin, thereby reducing or eliminating pain sensations during various dermatological procedures, including tattooing. These creams typically contain active ingredients such as lidocaine, prilocaine, or benzocaine, which work by blocking nerve signals in the skin, preventing them from transmitting pain sensations to the brain. Does numbing cream affect tattoos? When used properly, numbing cream can temporarily dull pain sensations during tattooing without affecting the outcome of the tattoo. It merely minimises discomfort, allowing for a more comfortable experience.

How The Numbing Cream Works

Upon application to the skin, numbing creams penetrate the epidermis and begin to inhibit the transmission of pain signals from the nerve endings to the brain. This process effectively dulls the sensation of pain, allowing individuals to undergo tattooing procedures with significantly reduced discomfort. It's important to note that while numbing creams can provide relief during the tattooing process, they do not eliminate all sensations. Some individuals may still experience mild discomfort or pressure during the procedure, depending on factors such as skin sensitivity and pain tolerance.

Choosing the Right Numbing Cream

With a plethora of numbing creams available on the market, selecting the right one for your tattooing needs can seem overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a numbing cream:

  1. Active Ingredients: Different numbing creams contain varying concentrations of active ingredients, such as lidocaine or prilocaine. It's essential to research and select a cream with the appropriate potency for your pain tolerance and the duration of your tattoo session.
  2. Application Method: Numbing creams come in various forms, including creams, gels, sprays, and patches. Consider which application method would be most convenient and effective for your tattooing experience.
  3. Duration of Effectiveness: Some numbing creams provide short-term relief, while others offer extended numbing effects. Determine the duration of your tattoo session and choose a cream that will provide adequate pain relief throughout the procedure.
  4. Allergies and Sensitivities: Before using any numbing cream, it's crucial to perform a patch test to check for potential allergies or skin sensitivities. Discontinue use immediately if you experience any adverse reactions.

Application Tips

To maximise the effectiveness of your numbing cream and ensure a comfortable tattooing experience, follow these application tips:

  1. Cleanse the skin: Before applying the numbing cream, thoroughly cleanse the tattoo area with mild soap and water to remove any dirt, oil, or bacteria.
  2. Apply a thick layer: Generously apply the numbing cream to the site of the tattoo, ensuring complete coverage of the skin. Use a spatula or gloved finger to spread the cream evenly and create a thick layer.
  3. Cover and wait: Once the numbing cream is applied, cover the area with plastic wrap or a sterile dressing to seal in the cream and enhance its absorption into the skin. Allow the cream to remain on the skin for the recommended duration specified by the product instructions.
  4. Remove excess cream: After the recommended application time has elapsed, remove any excess numbing cream from the skin using a clean tissue or cloth. Avoid wiping away the cream completely, as some residual cream will help maintain numbness during the tattooing process.
  5. Communicate with your tattoo artist: Inform your tattoo artist that you have used numbing cream and discuss any concerns or preferences regarding pain management during the procedure. Effective communication will ensure a positive and comfortable tattooing experience for both you and the artist.


Numbing creams offer a valuable solution for individuals seeking to minimise pain and discomfort during tattooing procedures. By understanding how numbing creams work, selecting the right product, and following proper application techniques, you can enhance your tattooing experience and achieve the desired results with greater ease and satisfaction. Whether you're a seasoned tattoo enthusiast or considering your first ink, incorporating numbing cream into your tattooing regimen can make the process more enjoyable and rewarding.

Chamsi Pirson
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