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Why Is Cockroach Prevention Important?

Scarlett Watson
Why Is Cockroach Prevention Important?

Cockroaches are drawn to a variety of foods and contaminate them with the bacteria and germs they carry. They also trigger asthma and allergic reactions in some people.

Eliminating food sources, reducing water availability and sealing cracks are key preventative measures. Regular cleaning and putting away crumbs, pet food, paper bags, and clutter is recommended.


Cockroach prevention are attracted to places where food, water and shelter are available. Keeping the home clean and eliminating any food sources will help to keep the pests out. Trash cans should be emptied regularly and the lids should be tightly shut. The kitchen should be kept clean and crumbs and spills wiped up immediately. Food should be stored in airtight containers. Moisture is also an attraction for cockroaches so the sink should be dried up and leaky faucets should be fixed right away.

Besides being disgusting to see, cockroaches can spread diseases to people as they walk through garbage and contaminate utensils, counter tops and surfaces they crawl across. They are known to carry 33 different kinds of bacteria including salmonella and E coli. They can also release substances that trigger asthma and allergy symptoms.

A cockroach infestation poses serious health risks to people, especially children and elderly adults. It can also damage property as the roaches chew through paper, cardboard and even books. Regular inspections and treatments can nip problems in the bud and prevent them from becoming an expensive issue to treat. They reproduce quickly, so a small problem can become a massive infestation within no time. A cockroach infestation can also put your business at risk of losing customers and damaging your reputation. This is why it is important to enlist the help of professionals who can offer you effective cockroach prevention services.

Pest Control

Cockroaches are a health threat to humans. They carry and spread disease-causing bacteria. They also trigger allergies such as conjunctivitis, asthma and gastroenteritis. Research shows that healthy children exposed to cockroach faeces allergens during early childhood may develop asthma later in life, a chronic respiratory condition for which there is no cure.

Cockroach prevention starts with good housekeeping practices. Kitchen surfaces, floors and cabinets should be swept frequently and food stored in airtight containers. Garbage should be disposed of regularly. Pet faeces should be scooped and disposed of often, and food bowls and pet dishes must be emptied and washed as needed. Piles of newspapers, cardboard and paper bags should be removed from the home to eliminate shelter and food sources for cockroaches. In multi-unit dwellings, caulk gaps in walls and between units where plumbing or electrical lines enter walls.

During the day, cockroaches hide in cracks and wall voids, but they are active at night. During the night, cockroaches search for food and water. They eat any human or animal food and many other things, including soap, toothpaste, hair, excrement, cast skins, dead insects and rotting materials. They are nocturnal and prefer to eat foods that are soft, moist or decaying. They scavenge for food in closets, cabinets and drawers and in the openings of rolled up paper and cardboard.


Cockroaches spread germs as they crawl over, defecate on, and contaminate food and utensils. They also produce a repulsive odor and trigger allergies in some people. While pesticides may be necessary for cockroach control, good sanitation and exclusion are important preventive measures.

Keep garbage receptacles closed and clean and keep waste materials away from the building. Cockroaches scavenge through trash and other decaying organic material to find food, picking up disease-causing germs on their spines as they go. Cockroaches can spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, as well as six types of parasitic worms.

Eliminate cockroach hiding places by closing cracks, crevices, and gaps around doors, windows, and pipes. A gap only needs to be one-sixteenth of an inch wide for a roach to squeeze through. Fix leaking faucets and examine basement areas to ensure they're dry. Remove leafy and twig debris from around the foundation of the building.

If you live in a condo or apartment, walk the perimeter of the building and look for holes in screens, broken window seals, cracks in mortar, worn weather stripping, and other entry points. Make sure to also keep shrubs, firewood, and other items away from the building's foundation. In buildings with shared walls, prevent cockroach movement between units by sealing gaps in the spaces between them.


Cockroaches spread diseases by carrying bacteria, germs and viruses on their legs and bodies as they crawl through unsanitary locations, picking up pathogens from their surroundings. They then contaminate food, surfaces and materials in our homes with their faeces and urine. These pestemite also leave behind a musky odour when they defecate, which can attract more of them.

Prevention is the most effective way to prevent cockroaches from infesting your property. Keep counters, cabinets and sinks free of food scraps and debris. Store foods in sealed containers. Keep a tight lid on trash cans, and remove outdoor pet food bowls and garbage cans at night.

The cockroaches that most frequently infest properties include German and American varieties. Both have wings, but only German cockroaches can fly. Both types can gain entry into homes and apartments through infested grocery bags, beverage cartons, cardboard boxes and furniture. They may also travel between units in multi-unit buildings.

Inspect and clean storage areas, such as garages, basements and attics, regularly. Make sure to dispose of contaminated grocery bags and cardboard boxes immediately. Keep indoor and outdoor spaces free of leaves, twigs, grass clippings and other organic material. Reduce the use of bright lights indoors and outdoors.

Scarlett Watson
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