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Understanding Hair Transplantation: The Procedure, Costs, And Risks

Jacob Kaul
Understanding Hair Transplantation: The Procedure, Costs, And Risks

Prior to undergoing a hair transplant, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the entire procedure in order to be mentally prepared. The hair transplant procedure is highly effective in treating hair loss, as the results are both permanent and natural-looking. With the advancements in techniques and technology, achieving a significant amount of hair growth through hair transplant has become possible, making it the optimal solution for addressing baldness.

Hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is typically performed as a day care procedure to treat hair loss or redefine the hairline. The process usually begins with the surgeon assessing the patient's scalp to determine the extent and cause of baldness, the number of hair grafts required to cover the bald area adequately, and examining the donor areas from where the permanent hair roots will be extracted and transplanted to the bald site. These permanent hair roots are resistant to androgen action, ensuring that hair will continue to grow from them permanently. The most common donor areas are the sides and back of the scalp, although body hair can also be used in some cases.

The decision for an individual to undergo a hair transplant can only be made by the surgeon after a thorough evaluation of the scalp and medical history. Despite this, it remains the only permanent solution for hair loss and offers the most natural-looking hairline.

What is hair transplant?

During a hair transplant procedure, follicular grafts are obtained from the donor area. This is done through a minimally invasive surgical technique known as a hair transplant. The decision to harvest these grafts is based on the density of the existing hair in the donor area. Once the grafts are extracted, they are designed to create a natural hairline and then transplanted to the recipient's bald area.

There are two main techniques for hair transplantation, each distinguished by the method used to harvest the grafts. The first technique, known as FUT, involves taking a small piece of scalp tissue from the donor area. This tissue is then moved to the graft separation area, where each individual follicle and the necessary surrounding tissues are dissected. These dissected hair follicles are then transplanted to the recipient's bald area.

The second technique, called FUE, involves the extraction of individual hair follicular grafts using a surgical tool. These grafts are then transplanted to the recipient location.

A more recent method for treating severe baldness combines both FUT and FUE techniques. This allows for the harvesting of more than 4000 grafts and offers additional advantages compared to using either method alone.

Surgical steps in hair transplant procedure?

Hair transplantation procedures involve different steps conducted in a single session.

1. In the case of FUT technique, only the donor area is shaved to collect the strip, while for FUE technique, the entire head needs to be shaved to retrieve individual grafts.

2. Following the shaving of the head, both the donor and recipient areas are given local anaesthesia during the hair transplantation procedure. The approach to anaesthesia administration varies among clinics, with some opting for a single dose for total anaesthesia, while others prefer to administer it separately at the donor and recipient sites.

3. In order to prevent excessive harvesting, the follicular grafts are meticulously collected while considering the safety of the donor area. Each treatment is performed using a high-powered loop magnifier. The grafts are harvested based on the technique utilized and the individual circumstances of the patients.

4. Subsequently, the donor site is closed, preferably utilizing trichophytic closure, which ensures a nearly imperceptible scar in the case of the FUT procedure.

5. The recipient site is prepared through a procedure called slitting. It is crucial to perform slitting with great care to achieve natural-looking results.

6. The hair transplants obtained from the donor site are then carefully inserted into the slits of the recipient site.

7. To achieve a natural-looking hairline, it is recommended to use single thin grafts in the frontal area and the temporal triangles. For a more extensive coverage or a fuller appearance, multiple thick grafts are strategically placed in the posterior rows.

8. Following the hair transplant procedure, microscopic clots may form around the transplanted hairs. These clots are effectively removed by the skilled medical staff at the hospital on the following day.

9. It is crucial to strictly follow the instructions provided by your hair transplant surgeon after the procedure. Adhering to these instructions precisely will ensure the best possible results for your hair transplant.

For the finest hair transplant outcomes in India, the renowned "Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic" in Delhi and Jaipur is highly regarded. We prioritize providing patients with accurate information and personalized advice to determine the most suitable approach for their needs. As a leading center for hair transplants in India and internationally, we boast a state-of-the-art operating room equipped with advanced technology and equipment that meets international standards.

Cost of hair transplant

The price range for a hair transplant in Jaipur can vary from 70,000 to 400,000 INR, depending on various factors that are determined during the initial consultation. Prior to making decisions regarding the procedure, such as the cost, a skilled hair transplant surgeon will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the patient's overall health during the initial consultation. While the hair transplant cost in Jaipur is comparable to that of other major cities, the quality of services provided is exceptionally high. Individuals from all over the country choose to come to Jaipur for hair transplant treatments due to the outstanding quality of the procedure. Many are enticed by the prospect of remarkable results and the opportunity to undergo hair transplant surgery performed by internationally renowned specialists.

Jacob Kaul
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