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Mascara Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Applying Mascara Like a Pro

Sakina Nagriwala

Mascara is a staple in almost every makeup kit, enhancing the lashes and adding depth to the eyes. It’s a magical wand that can instantly transform your look from tired to tantalizing. But mastering the art of applying mascara is not as simple as it seems. From choosing the right formula to perfecting the application technique, there are several factors to consider to achieve those fluttery, voluminous lashes. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about mascara application, including tips and tricks to make your eyes pop. 

Prepping Your Lashes 

Before applying mascara, it’s crucial to prepare your lashes to ensure optimal results. Follow these steps to prime your lashes: 

Curl Your Lashes: Using an eyelash curler, gently curl your lashes to add lift and create a more open-eyed look. Hold the curler at the base of your lashes for a few seconds, then release and move to the middle and tips for added curl. 

Cleanse and Moisturize: Make sure your lashes are clean and free of any makeup residue or oils. Use a gentle eye makeup remover to cleanse the lashes thoroughly. Moisturize the eye area with an eye cream to keep the lashes hydrated and healthy. 

The Application Process 

Now that your lashes are prepped and ready, it’s time to apply mascara like a pro. Follow these steps for flawless application: 

Start at the Base: Hold the waterproof mascara wand horizontally and wiggle it at the base of your lashes. This technique ensures that the product is evenly distributed from root to tip, creating a voluminous base. 

Wiggle and Swipe: Using a zigzag motion, slowly swipe the wand through your lashes from root to tip. This helps to separate and coat each lash for maximum volume and length. 

Build Layers: For added intensity, layer the mascara by applying multiple coats. Allow each coat to dry slightly before applying the next to prevent clumping. Focus on the outer corners for a winged effect or the center lashes for extra volume. 

Don’t Forget the Lower Lashes: Use the tip of the mascara wand or a smaller brush to coat the lower lashes gently. This step helps to balance the look and define the eyes without overwhelming them. 

Fix Mistakes: If you accidentally smudge or clump the mascara, don’t panic. Wait for it to dry, then use a clean spoolie brush to comb through the lashes and remove any excess product. 

Tips and Tricks 

Layer Different Formulas: For a customized look, layer different mascara formulas to achieve your desired effect. Start with a lengthening mascara followed by a volumizing formula for dramatic lashes. 

Use a Primer: Applying a lash primer before mascara can enhance the length and volume of your lashes while providing a base for better adherence. 

Warm Up the Mascara: To prevent clumping, gently warm up the mascara tube between your hands before application. This helps to soften the formula for smoother application. 

Clean Your Wand: Regularly clean your mascara wand with a makeup remover or warm, soapy water to remove any build-up or bacteria that can cause clumping. 


Mastering the art of applying mascara requires practice, patience, and the right techniques. By choosing the right formula, prepping your lashes, and following the application tips outlined in this guide, you can achieve fluttery, voluminous lashes that enhance your natural beauty. Whether you prefer a subtle, everyday look or full-on drama, mascara is your go-to tool for instant eye transformation. So go ahead, experiment with different formulas, and let your lashes steal the show! 

And remember, when purchasing mascara, consider factors such as formula, brush design, brand reputation, and budget. Brands like Forever52 offer a wide range of mascaras at competitive prices, making it easier than ever to achieve the perfect lash look. With the right mascara in hand and the knowledge of proper application techniques, you’ll be ready to flutter your way through any occasion with confidence. 


Sakina Nagriwala
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