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Woo Sang-hyuk appears with ‘shaved head’, first outdoor game of the season in Yecheon

19guide03 com

He shaved his head at the end of training in Hong Kong.

Woo Sang-hyuk appeared at Yecheon Stadium with his head shaved.

Woo Sang-hyuk appeared at Yecheon Stadium with his head shaved.

'Smile Jumper' Woo Sang-hyuk (28, Yongin City Hall) will make his first jump in an outdoor competition in 2024 with his head shaved.

When Woo Sang-hyuk appeared at Yecheon Stadium in Gyeongsangbuk-do on the 3rd, when the men's high jump collegiate and general division competition of the 52nd KBS Cup National Athletics Championships was held, the eyes of track and field athletes and fans turned to the high jump bar.

This is a scene that can always be seen when world-class jumper Woo Sang-hyuk participates in domestic competitions.

However, this day was a little more special.

Woo Sang-hyuk shaved his head and warmed up at Yecheon Stadium.

Kim Do-gyun, coach of the Korea Athletics Vertical Jump Team, said with a laugh, “Woo Sang-hyuk cut his hair because he didn’t like something during the training period,” and added, “I think it’s a promise to get good results at the Paris Olympics.”

Woo Sang-hyuk returned to Korea on April 30 after completing about 40 days of training in Hong Kong.

Before returning to Korea, Woo Sang-hyuk shaved off his hair.

Because of his 'hairstyle', interest in Woo Sang-hyuk, the biggest star produced by Korean track and field, has grown. 스포츠 토토사이트

Woo Sang-hyuk will play his first outdoor game this season today.

He participated in a total of four indoor competitions in February and March.

Woo Sang-hyuk, who took second place in Justopece, Czech Republic (2m33) on February 11, reached the top in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia (2m32) on February 14th, and in Nehvizdi, Czech Republic (2m30) on February 21st.

He placed third at the World Indoor Championships (2m 28) in Glasgow, Scotland, England on March 3, which was the last competition of this year's indoor season.

Afterwards, Woo Sang-hyuk continued training in Korea and Hong Kong and will compete outdoors starting in May.

After attending the KBS Cup on this day, we will soon leave for Doha, Qatar.

‘The best active jumper’ Mutaz Essa Barsim (32, Qatar) will join hands with the Qatar Athletics Federation to hold the ‘What Gravity Challenge’ at the Katara Amphitheater in Doha on the 9th.

Barshim pledged, “I will create a competition where the world’s top 12 men’s high jumpers can jump,” and jumpers who command the world stage actually responded to Barsim’s invitation.

Woo Sang-hyuk is also a player that Barshim put a lot of effort into.

Last February, Woo Sang-hyuk and Barshim trained in Germany, and during this time, Barshim contacted Woo Sang-hyuk and politely asked him to participate in the competition.

Woo Sang-hyuk readily responded to Barsim’s request.

Afterwards, Woo Sang-hyuk moves to Japan and participates in the 2024 Seiko Golden Grand Prix held in Tokyo, Japan on the 19th, aiming for his second consecutive victory in the competition. 19가이드03

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