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From Lima to Your Plate: The Journey of Peruvian Ingredients Used at El Gordo Eatery

El Gordo Eatery

Peruvian cuisine is celebrated for its diversity and depth of flavor, much of which comes from the native ingredients that are the foundation of its dishes. At El Gordo Eatery, we pride ourselves on using authentic Peruvian ingredients that bring the essence of Peru to your plate. Here’s a look at how we source and use these key ingredients in our cooking.

Aji Amarillo – The Peruvian Pepper

Aji amarillo, a vibrant yellow chili pepper, is a cornerstone of Peruvian cooking and imparts a unique, moderate heat with a hint of fruitiness to dishes. It’s essential in recipes like our Ceviche Mixto and Aji de Gallina. At El Gordo, we source our aji amarillo directly from Peruvian farms to ensure we capture the authentic taste that this pepper is known for.

Quinoa – The Ancient Supergrain

Quinoa, once called "the mother of all grains" by the Incas, continues to be a superfood staple around the world. It's versatile, gluten-free, and rich in protein. In our kitchen, quinoa is used both as a base for salads and as a side dish, complementing the flavors of our main courses. We obtain our quinoa from sustainable farms in the Peruvian Andes, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Cilantro – More Than Just an Herb

Cilantro is used extensively in Peruvian cuisine to add freshness and zest to dishes. It’s a key ingredient in many of our recipes, including our beloved Pollos a la Brasa and Lomo Saltado. Our cilantro is sourced from organic growers who ensure the freshest leaves, bringing the bright, pungent flavors that elevate our dishes.

Potatoes – A Staple with Peruvian Roots

Peru is home to over 3,000 varieties of potatoes, and at El Gordo, we celebrate this diversity by incorporating several types into our dishes. From the classic Papas a la Huancaína to our hearty stews, our potatoes are selected for their quality and flavor, sourced from suppliers who specialize in Peruvian varieties.

Fish – Fresh from the Coast

Given the prominence of seafood in Peruvian cuisine, especially in dishes like ceviche, it's crucial that we use only the freshest fish. We work with trusted suppliers who bring us daily catches from sustainable sources, ensuring that our seafood dishes are as fresh as they are flavorful.

At El Gordo Eatery, the journey of our ingredients from Lima to your plate is guided by our commitment to authenticity and quality. By carefully selecting and sourcing the finest Peruvian ingredients, we ensure that each dish served not only honors traditional recipes but also delivers an exceptional dining experience.

Join us at El Gordo Eatery to savor the true flavors of Peru, brought to life through ingredients that tell a story of heritage and passion.




El Gordo Eatery
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