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What are some of the best apps for online teaching?


In this post, we'll look at the best free online teaching tools that may help teachers create engaging lessons for their students.

Explain Everything

Explain Everything is an interactive whiteboard tool that teachers may use to make engaging and dynamic presentations, whiteboards, and animations. Teachers can record and review live presentations, share videos, and photos, and collaborate in real time with students using this app in mobile app development companies in bangalore.Teachers can use the app to distribute their information across several platforms and devices, ensuring that all students have access to their lectures. Explain Everything is a powerful and adaptable tool that helps teachers create engaging online lesson plans.


A digital bulletin board called Padlet provides educators with a variety of collaborative tools so they can produce and distribute content to their pupils. With the software, educators may make digital whiteboards where students can post and discuss thoughts, pictures, and videos. The platform provides many features that facilitate student collaboration and creative expression. Because the app is customisable, educators can modify it to meet the unique demands of their classrooms.


Teachers may create and distribute video assignments and student interactions with ease using Flip, a platform for video discussions in mobile app development company in bangalore. With the help of this software, teachers can initiate topic conversations, record video comments, and communicate with students in real time. The platform is designed to promote active learning with features like screen recording, whiteboard integration, and video replies that allow students to express themselves freely. Its ease of use and accessibility make it an excellent tool for educators who want to promote student engagement and participation in virtual learning settings.


Teachers are able to create engaging assignments and courses for their students with the aid of the student engagement platform Nearpod. Nearpod's incorporation of features such as polls, quizzes, and virtual field trips makes it a great tool for online learning. Teachers can also monitor students' progress in real-time and provide illuminating comments on areas where students might be struggling with the software. The platform is also compatible with multiple devices, making it usable by students with varying learning needs.


To get their pupils interested in learning, teachers can utilize Quizlet to make games, tests, and flashcards. By employing the platform's various features, such as individualized study courses, spaced repetition, and adaptive learning, students can improve their memory retention abilities. The analytics provided by Quizlet provide useful information regarding students' performance, allowing teachers to adjust their pedagogical strategies as necessary. The platform's user-friendly design makes it easy for teachers to produce and share study resources.


Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are all included in the Microsoft Office program package, which also includes OneNote. OneNote is a digital notepad that lets users annotate, sketch, and capture audio and visual media. Devices running iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS can all use it. Teachers in India like OneNote because of its many features. It can be used to make lesson plans, record lectures, and take notes in class. Additionally, OneNote features an intuitive user interface. Instructors can produce books and share comments with students using the e-book feature. OneNote's integration with other Microsoft Office applications is another factor contributing to its popularity among Indian educators. This implies that instructors can use OneNote to share notes and other resources with their students with ease.


Prodigy is mostly a math app meant to assist kids in developing their mathematical skills in mobile app development companies in India. There are games on it with incorporated arithmetic problems. The application uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate questions based on how well students perform as they advance. Teachers utilize it to enhance their lessons and support students' learning. There are many elements in the program, including arithmetic games and quizzes.


Users can create and share interactive videos and images with Thinglink. It's a fantastic method to get pupils interested in learning and add pleasure to it.

Thinglink is perfect for teaching because of its various features. Its UI is easy to use and straightforward. A plethora of capabilities are also available, such as the ability to incorporate text, audio, and video into pictures and films. This facilitates the creation of interesting information for pupils.


With the help of the gamification platform Classcraft, educators can add gamification elements to their online classrooms, where students may make their own avatars and go on thrilling adventures. Learning is made enjoyable and engaging by the app's features, which include experience points, prizes, and power-ups.In order to keep students engaged and challenged, the app also enables professors to track student progress and offer tailored feedback.

Pear Deck

Teachers may build interactive presentations and quizzes for their students using the Pear Deck interactive presentation platform. Pear Deck is an excellent tool for online instruction since it includes features like interactive slides, quizzes, and real-time responses.

With the help of the interactive presentation platform Pear Deck, teachers can make quizzes and presentations that engage students in real time. Instructors can use the app to make interactive slideshows that let students interact with one another, answer questions, and give feedback.

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