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Explain The Importance of Graft In Hair Transplantation

Jacob Kaul
Explain The Importance of Graft In Hair Transplantation

Hair loss can be a distressing experience and is becoming increasingly common due to various factors such as pollution, stress, unhealthy diets, and lifestyle changes. Fortunately, hair transplant procedures have become a reliable solution to permanently treat baldness. It is worth noting that hair loss is more prevalent in males, often due to genetic reasons. While males tend to opt for hair transplants to address balding patterns, females typically experience central thinning rather than complete baldness.

India is now a well-known destination for hair transplant tourism. Among all, Jaipur stands out for its top-notch and exceptional hair transplant services. The clinics for hair transplant in Jaipur have been recognized for their high standards, utilizing cutting-edge technology to provide outstanding results. The hair transplant cost in Jaipur is not only affordable but also offers high-quality services.

When it comes to finding the top hair transplant clinic, Medispa is a highly sought-after choice for individuals looking to achieve an exceptional hair transplant. Our team is dedicated to perfection and is committed to providing you with a flawless hair transplant. Dr. Suneet Soni is an exceptionally skilled and talented hair transplant surgeon, whose expertise and artistic flair are unmatched. He performs meticulous hair transplants that yield impeccable results. Dr. Soni's artistic vision has earned him recognition for delivering world-class, natural-looking hair transplants.

If you have aspirations of a fantastic hair transplant, then Medispa hair transplant clinic is undoubtedly the best destination. Schedule your appointment now to learn more about hair transplants and have an incredible experience with us.

Hair transplant procedure

Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure conducted on an outpatient basis. It entails the relocation of hair follicular roots from a specific donor area to the area affected by baldness. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, ensuring a painless experience for the patient. Hair transplantation is commonly opted for by individuals experiencing hair loss on their scalp or in facial regions such as the beard, mustache, and eyebrows. Thanks to modern techniques, even individuals with severe baldness can achieve remarkable results through hair transplantation.

Hair grafts

Graft refers to a piece of tissue taken from one area and transplanted to another as required. A hair graft consists of one to four hairs taken from the donor region. The hair follicles used in a hair transplant procedure must be resistant to DHT or permanent. Once these hair roots are transplanted to the desired bald area, they continue to grow for the rest of the individual's life. DHT-resistant hair roots lack receptors for androgenic hormones, preventing hair loss and ensuring their permanence.

Importance of hair grafts in hair transplantation

The importance of the hair grafts used in hair transplantation cannot be overstated due to the following factors:

1.     Viability of the procedure: Hair transplant surgery is an elective procedure that can only be carried out if there are enough hair follicles in the donor area to effectively cover the balding area. If the hair density in the donor area is adequate, then the hair transplant procedure can be considered feasible in such instances.

2.     Determining the price: Thorough examination of both the donor and recipient areas is conducted to gather essential information about the availability of hair follicles in the donor area and the number of hair grafts required for a successful hair transplant. The cost of the hair transplant procedure is primarily determined by the quantity of hair grafts needed for transplantation. In most clinics, the price per hair graft ranges from 20 – 125 INR, making it highly affordable compared to other advanced countries.

3.     Establishes achievable goals for the surgery: By assessing the quantity of hair grafts available during the consultation, you will have a clear understanding of what to expect from the procedure. The hair transplant surgeon will provide detailed information about your donor and recipient areas, setting realistic expectations for the outcome.

How to find out the count of hair grafts for hair transplant?

The evaluation of both the donor and recipient areas plays a crucial role in determining the quantity of hair grafts required for the procedure. Various factors are taken into consideration, such as:

1.     The severity of baldness: Baldness is categorized using the Norwood classification, which consists of seven stages. The extent of baldness directly impacts the number of hair grafts necessary for the hair transplant. To get an estimate of your baldness level and the approximate number of hair grafts needed, you can utilize the "Hair Transplant Calculator" available on the official Medispa website.

2.     Skin laxity:  The hair transplant surgeon takes into consideration the skin laxity of the donor area when determining the number of hair grafts that can be harvested in a single session.

3.     Donor area: The number of hair grafts that can be harvested from the donor area is determined by thoroughly checking the hair density and ensuring that the safe zones are not violated or over harvested.

4.     The patient's budget: It is also a crucial factor in determining the number of hair grafts that can be harvested from the donor area. Each hair graft harvested contributes to the final cost of the hair transplant.

5. The number of hair grafts required for harvesting from the donor area: It is determined by the quality of the hair grafts. The thickness and texture of the hair, whether it is curly, straight, or wavy, play a significant role in this decision. If the hair is straight, a larger number of hair grafts may be needed. However, if the hair is curly or wavy, a smaller number of hair follicles can still result in a high density hair transplant.

Jacob Kaul
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