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Paternity Testing Services


UrgentWay Clinic provides a range of paternity testing services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their clients:

  1. Standard Paternity Test: The standard paternity test compares the DNA of the child and alleged father to determine paternity. This test is highly accurate and suitable for establishing biological relationships in most cases.
  2. Maternity Test: In cases where the mother's participation is not possible or desired, UrgentWay Clinic offers maternity testing. This test compares the child's DNA with that of a known maternal relative, such as the maternal grandmother, to establish maternity with high accuracy.
  3. Grandparentage Test: When the alleged father is unavailable for testing, grandparentage testing can be conducted. This test compares the DNA of the child with that of the paternal grandparents to determine the likelihood of paternity.
  4. Sibling DNA Test: In situations where potential siblings wish to establish whether they share one or both parents, sibling DNA testing can provide answers. This test compares the DNA profiles of individuals to assess the likelihood of sibling relationships.
  5. Prenatal Paternity Test: For expectant parents seeking early confirmation of paternity, UrgentWay Clinic offers prenatal paternity testing. This non-invasive test can be performed as early as 9 weeks into the pregnancy, utilizing a blood sample from the mother and a cheek swab from the alleged father.
  6. Immigration DNA Test: In cases where proof of biological relationship is required for immigration purposes, UrgentWay Clinic offers immigration DNA testing. This test helps establish familial relationships necessary for immigration applications.

The Testing Process

The testing process at UrgentWay Clinic is streamlined and efficient:

  1. Consultation and Sample Collection: Clients begin by scheduling a consultation with a qualified medical professional. During this consultation, the testing process is explained, and any questions or concerns are addressed. Sample collection, typically done through buccal (cheek) swabs, is then conducted in a comfortable and discreet manner.
  2. Laboratory Analysis: Once samples are collected, they are sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. The laboratory utilizes advanced DNA testing techniques to analyze the samples and generate accurate results.
  3. Result Delivery: Results are typically available within a few business days, depending on the type of test conducted. Clients are promptly notified of their results through a secure and confidential channel chosen during the consultation.
  4. Post-Test Counseling: In cases where results may have significant emotional or legal implications, UrgentWay Clinic provides post-test counseling services. Experienced professionals offer support and guidance, helping clients understand and navigate the implications of their results.

UrgentWay Clinic offers comprehensive and reliable paternity testing services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. With a commitment to accuracy, confidentiality, and prompt service, they provide peace of mind to individuals seeking answers about biological relationships. Whether for legal purposes, personal reasons, or immigration requirements, clients can trust UrgentWay Clinic to deliver accurate results with professionalism and compassion. When it comes to paternity testing, choosing the right provider is essential, and UrgentWay Clinic stands as a trusted partner in this important journey of discovery.

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