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Rupali Mehta - The Unique Story

The Unique Story
Rupali Mehta - The Unique Story

We were approached by an IT professional client who desired a modern and minimalistic home with a hotel-like feel. To fulfill their requirements, we focused on clean lines, simple color palettes, and functionality in the layout. In the living room, we designed a feature wall using beige-colored Italian marble and a modern TV console. The client’s daughter contributed to the decor by creating a painting hung above the TV. The bedrooms were designed with a neutral color scheme and included floor-to-ceiling accent walls made of veneer and fabric. We incorporated sliding wardrobes, compact TV units, and study desks to maximize space utilization while maintaining a sleek look.

At The Unique Story, we specialize in creating narrative-worthy spaces for your home or business. Our team of experienced interior designers works closely.

Every home has a story, a story that narrates the lives of those who inhabit it. We help you to create a living space that reflects your unique lifestyle.


Being the best interior designers in Bangalore, we help to upgrade your current work or home space to perfection and elevate your space with beautiful.

THE UNIQUE STORY ... At The Unique Story, we specialize in creating narrative-worthy spaces for your home or business. Our team of experienced interior designers ...

We offer customised interior solutions to bring out the best of your space and help you to live the Unique Story you want to tell.

To know more: https://theuniquestory.in/rupali/

The Unique Story
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