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starteazy tm 2021-03-06

Confused about your trademark class ?

Then you need to apply in Trademark class 35.

Trademark Class 35 is the right class for your e-com company.

However you might be required to apply for other classes as well.

It depends on the products and services you will be dealing in.Trademark class 35 is one of the most important classes for advertising as well.

So if your company’s main income source is going to be advertising, then you need to apply for trademark class 35.Here’s a quick example:The statement T-shirt design company bewakoof.com is registered under Trademark Class 35.

starteazy tm 2021-03-06

Confused about your trademark class ?

Then you need to apply in Trademark class 35.

Trademark Class 35 is the right class for your e-com company.

However you might be required to apply for other classes as well.

It depends on the products and services you will be dealing in.Trademark class 35 is one of the most important classes for advertising as well.

So if your company’s main income source is going to be advertising, then you need to apply for trademark class 35.Here’s a quick example:The statement T-shirt design company bewakoof.com is registered under Trademark Class 35.