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Sourabh Nagar 2021-05-25

Hiring an agile distributed team for application development is becoming more common now than ever before.

With half of the world’s population effectively working from home, launching applications with the help of distributed teams is a norm.

If you are launching a new product or application and reluctant to invest heavily in hiring, Offshore Distributed Teams can solve that problem at a reduced cost.

Offshore companies have an existing pool of talent so they can provide skilled distributed teams.How does Chapter 247 make the best of distributed agile development?Chapter 247 has a rich experience of assisting their customers across diverse initiatives.

They use tools such as Jira or Trello for helping the scrum master run the virtual scrum backlog.

Through task management tools such as Slack or Skype for Business, each member updates tasks or exchanges information quickly.

Sourabh Nagar 2021-05-25

Hiring an agile distributed team for application development is becoming more common now than ever before.

With half of the world’s population effectively working from home, launching applications with the help of distributed teams is a norm.

If you are launching a new product or application and reluctant to invest heavily in hiring, Offshore Distributed Teams can solve that problem at a reduced cost.

Offshore companies have an existing pool of talent so they can provide skilled distributed teams.How does Chapter 247 make the best of distributed agile development?Chapter 247 has a rich experience of assisting their customers across diverse initiatives.

They use tools such as Jira or Trello for helping the scrum master run the virtual scrum backlog.

Through task management tools such as Slack or Skype for Business, each member updates tasks or exchanges information quickly.