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wholesalesalwar 2021-12-28
You'll learn a lot of things, but not very deeply. There's probably a lot of JavaScript code behind every website or online application you've ever used. To learn jQuery quickly and effectively, I recommend starting with the jQuery path at FreeCodeCamp. JavaJava is a widely-used programming language that can run (nearly) anywhere. C#C# is a Microsoft programming language that competes directly with Java.
wholesalesalwar 2021-12-28
You'll learn a lot of things, but not very deeply. There's probably a lot of JavaScript code behind every website or online application you've ever used. To learn jQuery quickly and effectively, I recommend starting with the jQuery path at FreeCodeCamp. JavaJava is a widely-used programming language that can run (nearly) anywhere. C#C# is a Microsoft programming language that competes directly with Java.