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Sonam Mehta 2021-06-21

Nowadays we often search for words on google but it's not difficult to search even online dictionary are available on mobiles as well.

Learning English and speaking English is easy with the criteria of Google word coach.

It helps in learning and speaking in English.

It consists of synonyms, translation boxes and if a person gets wrong in speaking a word it often helps in changing the word or statement.

While searching the meaning of a word somewhere we go on thinking but it's easy with this certain feature and we don’t need to remind.Google My Maps - Google Word CoachThis game of quiz is a right initiative by google for helping and growing the knowledge in the education system.

That’s why it has been introduced so that they can speak even more fluently and confidently.Google Form - Google Word CoachImportance of this game well the coach trains for the same.

Sonam Mehta 2021-06-21

Nowadays we often search for words on google but it's not difficult to search even online dictionary are available on mobiles as well.

Learning English and speaking English is easy with the criteria of Google word coach.

It helps in learning and speaking in English.

It consists of synonyms, translation boxes and if a person gets wrong in speaking a word it often helps in changing the word or statement.

While searching the meaning of a word somewhere we go on thinking but it's easy with this certain feature and we don’t need to remind.Google My Maps - Google Word CoachThis game of quiz is a right initiative by google for helping and growing the knowledge in the education system.

That’s why it has been introduced so that they can speak even more fluently and confidently.Google Form - Google Word CoachImportance of this game well the coach trains for the same.