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Peaceforasia 2022-02-02
We have an inclination to overlook other countries who are equally important in contemporary international relations simply because they do not garner the same amount of attention in our media. Many of these more “forgotten” countries are not only being exploited by other countries, but its citizens are also experiencing grave human rights violations. It is therefore crucial that not only do key international organizations allot additional attention to these nations, but also civil society as well. While the regime’s human rights violations have been noticed by organizations such as the UN, EU, and OSCE, little has been achieved in shedding light on the dire situation there. So, what are the human rights that are being violated in Turkmenistan, and why would we be so unwise to ignore them?
Peaceforasia 2021-12-05
Peace for Asia hosted a webinar with the EU Ambassador in Hong Kong, Thomas Gnocchi. We discussed EU – Hong Kong relations and the role of the EU in Hong Kong. In relation to Hong Kong, even if it is a small territory, we have very wide ranging relations in many different areas. After mainland Chinese companies, the largest group of companies are European companies. The role of the office is to take forward these relations in areas which are the responsibility of the EU.
Peaceforasia 2022-04-02
Paolo Sorbello is a researcher and journalist living in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In the webinar with Peace for Asia, Dr Sorbello discussed the current situation and recent developments in Kazakhstan. Lastly, Dr Sorbello looked at the broader geopolitical picture, responding to the question whether Kazakhstan is ‘a theatre of great power rivalry’. Economic activity in Kazakhstan is projected to recover to its pre-pandemic level by end-2021, with growth of 3. This chapter describes sustainable infrastructure planning in Kazakhstan and presents current trends in investment in large-scale infrastructure projects.
Peaceforasia 2021-12-03
Afterwards, the Rights and Liberties Protection Department of the Ministry of Justice presented several actions to implement the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in Thailand. Afterwards, the country undertook regional consultations to understand region-specific business and human rights circumstances in its four regions. The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) was the first to submit a plan to the cabinet to include measures for guaranteeing the accountability of Thai corporations to respect human rights, including in their overseas investment. In mid-2017, the Thai Royal Government formally announced the policy on business and human rights. Among the various targeted activists by retaliatory lawsuits, there is the former National Human Rights Commissioner Angkhana Neelapaijit.
Peaceforasia 2022-07-16
He also discussed the nature of political opposition in the country and outlined the political opposition and its formations. Lastly, Dr Sorbello looked at the broader geopolitical picture, responding to the question whether Kazakhstan is ‘a theatre of great power rivalry’. Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has experienced a remarkable economic performance. Access Kazakhstan's economy facts, statistics, project information. This chapter describes sustainable infrastructure planning in Kazakhstan and presents current trends in investment in large-scale infrastructure projects.
Peaceforasia 2022-05-05
The exact statistics of these enforced disappeared people remains debatable due to a deliberate under reporting. It was only in 1994 that the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan first looked into the issue of missing persons. The cases of missing persons saw an upsurge in the country following the 9/11 attacks in the US. The establishment’s response to Baloch nationalists and militants was to set up more military cantonments and outposts throughout the province. In return, they are given a free hand to blackmail and extort businessmen and indulge in the profitable drug trafficking from Afghanistan to Balochistan´s seashores.
Peaceforasia 2022-09-15
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-03-03
The Republic of South Korea is one of the most advanced countries in technology, almost leading the digital transition in the world. However, defining digital rights is not easy. One may state that it would be easier to address digital rights with the same methodologies (and law constructions) of the “real realm”. Thus, fundamental rights protec tion is a rather novel issue in South Korea, especially when it comes to digital fundamental rights legislation. Many commentators considered PIPA as the strictest set of rules in personal data protection in the world.
Peaceforasia 2022-09-20
We have an inclination to overlook other countries who are equally important in contemporary international relations simply because they do not garner the same amount of attention in our media. Many of these more “forgotten” countries are not only being exploited by other countries, but its citizens are also experiencing grave human rights violations. It is therefore crucial that not only do key international organizations allot additional attention to these nations, but also civil society as well. While the regime’s human rights violations have been noticed by organizations such as the UN, EU, and OSCE, little has been achieved in shedding light on the dire situation there. So, what are the human rights that are being violated in Turkmenistan, and why would we be so unwise to ignore them?
Peaceforasia 2022-07-16
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-08-15
Amid the era of fast fashion, consumers, especially the youth, have developed a new and growing awareness. We are aware of the exploitation of workers by leading global fashion brands since the 1970s. In this event 1129 textile workers lost their lives because of the collapse of the building producing clothing for famous fast fashion brands. Following the tragedy, some global brands got together to sign the agreement on “Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh”. In 2011, in the “Dirty Cloths” report, the NGO denounced the use of dangerous substances used in the production of major clothing brands.
Peaceforasia 2022-02-04
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-01-14
Increasing nuclear expenditure among nuclear weapons states against the pandemic background is warning us about the unavoidable cost attached along with the unstable strategic environment. Therefore, to understand Southeast Asia disarmament efforts will help gain a clearer perspective on Southeast Asian nations strategic security position with the whole world as well as understanding Southeast Asia position in one of the most concerning affairs in the international community. The nuclear weapons free zone is the area where states, in the region, pledge not to manufacture, test, acquire or possess nuclear weapons. It is a treaty which carries the agenda on nuclear non-proliferation, preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, and also promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy. And with the mentioned humanitarian approaches on nuclear disarmament efforts, TPNW also required state parties to provide assistance to the impact of nuclear weapons both to individuals and the environment.
Peaceforasia 2022-03-05
Post attaining independence in 1991, Kazakhstan is the only post-soviet country which was controlled by its leader Nursultan Nazarbayev for nearly three decades. Familial relations are more important in Kazakhstan and other Asian nations than political accords. A glimpse of the same protest was seen currently post 1 January 2022; free market reforms led by Tokayev government. There is a huge geo-political implication of the Kazakhstan crisis. The Tokayev regime’s attempt to open the market failed, limiting the alternatives available to reduce Kazakhstan’s present economic inequalities.
Peaceforasia 2022-08-03
On 25th April, Peace for Asia interviewed UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights defenders Ms Mary Lawlor. In 2001 she established front Line Defenders, an organization working towards providing round the clock protection to Human Rights Defenders at risk. She retired from Front Line Defenders in 2016 and in 2020, she was appointed as the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. The mandate of the office is to ensure that those rights contained in the Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders are being respected by states as well as raise awareness about the legitimate work of Human Rights Defenders and advise UN members states on steps to be taken to increase the safety and security of the Human Rights Defenders. The special Rapporteur reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly every year.
Peaceforasia 2022-05-07
On 25th April, Peace for Asia interviewed UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights defenders Ms Mary Lawlor. In 2001 she established front Line Defenders, an organization working towards providing round the clock protection to Human Rights Defenders at risk. She retired from Front Line Defenders in 2016 and in 2020, she was appointed as the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. The mandate of the office is to ensure that those rights contained in the Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders are being respected by states as well as raise awareness about the legitimate work of Human Rights Defenders and advise UN members states on steps to be taken to increase the safety and security of the Human Rights Defenders. The special Rapporteur reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly every year.
Peaceforasia 2022-02-02
We have an inclination to overlook other countries who are equally important in contemporary international relations simply because they do not garner the same amount of attention in our media. Many of these more “forgotten” countries are not only being exploited by other countries, but its citizens are also experiencing grave human rights violations. It is therefore crucial that not only do key international organizations allot additional attention to these nations, but also civil society as well. While the regime’s human rights violations have been noticed by organizations such as the UN, EU, and OSCE, little has been achieved in shedding light on the dire situation there. So, what are the human rights that are being violated in Turkmenistan, and why would we be so unwise to ignore them?
Peaceforasia 2022-04-02
Paolo Sorbello is a researcher and journalist living in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In the webinar with Peace for Asia, Dr Sorbello discussed the current situation and recent developments in Kazakhstan. Lastly, Dr Sorbello looked at the broader geopolitical picture, responding to the question whether Kazakhstan is ‘a theatre of great power rivalry’. Economic activity in Kazakhstan is projected to recover to its pre-pandemic level by end-2021, with growth of 3. This chapter describes sustainable infrastructure planning in Kazakhstan and presents current trends in investment in large-scale infrastructure projects.
Peaceforasia 2022-07-16
He also discussed the nature of political opposition in the country and outlined the political opposition and its formations. Lastly, Dr Sorbello looked at the broader geopolitical picture, responding to the question whether Kazakhstan is ‘a theatre of great power rivalry’. Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has experienced a remarkable economic performance. Access Kazakhstan's economy facts, statistics, project information. This chapter describes sustainable infrastructure planning in Kazakhstan and presents current trends in investment in large-scale infrastructure projects.
Peaceforasia 2022-09-15
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-09-20
We have an inclination to overlook other countries who are equally important in contemporary international relations simply because they do not garner the same amount of attention in our media. Many of these more “forgotten” countries are not only being exploited by other countries, but its citizens are also experiencing grave human rights violations. It is therefore crucial that not only do key international organizations allot additional attention to these nations, but also civil society as well. While the regime’s human rights violations have been noticed by organizations such as the UN, EU, and OSCE, little has been achieved in shedding light on the dire situation there. So, what are the human rights that are being violated in Turkmenistan, and why would we be so unwise to ignore them?
Peaceforasia 2022-08-15
Amid the era of fast fashion, consumers, especially the youth, have developed a new and growing awareness. We are aware of the exploitation of workers by leading global fashion brands since the 1970s. In this event 1129 textile workers lost their lives because of the collapse of the building producing clothing for famous fast fashion brands. Following the tragedy, some global brands got together to sign the agreement on “Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh”. In 2011, in the “Dirty Cloths” report, the NGO denounced the use of dangerous substances used in the production of major clothing brands.
Peaceforasia 2022-01-14
Increasing nuclear expenditure among nuclear weapons states against the pandemic background is warning us about the unavoidable cost attached along with the unstable strategic environment. Therefore, to understand Southeast Asia disarmament efforts will help gain a clearer perspective on Southeast Asian nations strategic security position with the whole world as well as understanding Southeast Asia position in one of the most concerning affairs in the international community. The nuclear weapons free zone is the area where states, in the region, pledge not to manufacture, test, acquire or possess nuclear weapons. It is a treaty which carries the agenda on nuclear non-proliferation, preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, and also promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy. And with the mentioned humanitarian approaches on nuclear disarmament efforts, TPNW also required state parties to provide assistance to the impact of nuclear weapons both to individuals and the environment.
Peaceforasia 2022-08-03
On 25th April, Peace for Asia interviewed UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights defenders Ms Mary Lawlor. In 2001 she established front Line Defenders, an organization working towards providing round the clock protection to Human Rights Defenders at risk. She retired from Front Line Defenders in 2016 and in 2020, she was appointed as the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. The mandate of the office is to ensure that those rights contained in the Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders are being respected by states as well as raise awareness about the legitimate work of Human Rights Defenders and advise UN members states on steps to be taken to increase the safety and security of the Human Rights Defenders. The special Rapporteur reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly every year.
Peaceforasia 2021-12-05
Peace for Asia hosted a webinar with the EU Ambassador in Hong Kong, Thomas Gnocchi. We discussed EU – Hong Kong relations and the role of the EU in Hong Kong. In relation to Hong Kong, even if it is a small territory, we have very wide ranging relations in many different areas. After mainland Chinese companies, the largest group of companies are European companies. The role of the office is to take forward these relations in areas which are the responsibility of the EU.
Peaceforasia 2021-12-03
Afterwards, the Rights and Liberties Protection Department of the Ministry of Justice presented several actions to implement the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights in Thailand. Afterwards, the country undertook regional consultations to understand region-specific business and human rights circumstances in its four regions. The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) was the first to submit a plan to the cabinet to include measures for guaranteeing the accountability of Thai corporations to respect human rights, including in their overseas investment. In mid-2017, the Thai Royal Government formally announced the policy on business and human rights. Among the various targeted activists by retaliatory lawsuits, there is the former National Human Rights Commissioner Angkhana Neelapaijit.
Peaceforasia 2022-05-05
The exact statistics of these enforced disappeared people remains debatable due to a deliberate under reporting. It was only in 1994 that the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan first looked into the issue of missing persons. The cases of missing persons saw an upsurge in the country following the 9/11 attacks in the US. The establishment’s response to Baloch nationalists and militants was to set up more military cantonments and outposts throughout the province. In return, they are given a free hand to blackmail and extort businessmen and indulge in the profitable drug trafficking from Afghanistan to Balochistan´s seashores.
Peaceforasia 2022-03-03
The Republic of South Korea is one of the most advanced countries in technology, almost leading the digital transition in the world. However, defining digital rights is not easy. One may state that it would be easier to address digital rights with the same methodologies (and law constructions) of the “real realm”. Thus, fundamental rights protec tion is a rather novel issue in South Korea, especially when it comes to digital fundamental rights legislation. Many commentators considered PIPA as the strictest set of rules in personal data protection in the world.
Peaceforasia 2022-07-16
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-02-04
This article identifies the factors that, if present, are not only an opportunity but also a threat to migration. International migration is still a phenomenon that has always occurred in human history, the migration of Native Americans from Asia to the Americas. European migration to the Americas, Africa and the Far East, Tamil migration from India to Sri Lanka, Asian and African migration to Europe and Vietnamesemigration to different parts of the world, Bangladeshi migration to India and …. Afghan migration to Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Europe are examples of international migration. There are three general forms of illegal immigration in Asia: A.
Peaceforasia 2022-03-05
Post attaining independence in 1991, Kazakhstan is the only post-soviet country which was controlled by its leader Nursultan Nazarbayev for nearly three decades. Familial relations are more important in Kazakhstan and other Asian nations than political accords. A glimpse of the same protest was seen currently post 1 January 2022; free market reforms led by Tokayev government. There is a huge geo-political implication of the Kazakhstan crisis. The Tokayev regime’s attempt to open the market failed, limiting the alternatives available to reduce Kazakhstan’s present economic inequalities.
Peaceforasia 2022-05-07
On 25th April, Peace for Asia interviewed UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights defenders Ms Mary Lawlor. In 2001 she established front Line Defenders, an organization working towards providing round the clock protection to Human Rights Defenders at risk. She retired from Front Line Defenders in 2016 and in 2020, she was appointed as the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. The mandate of the office is to ensure that those rights contained in the Declaration on the Human Rights Defenders are being respected by states as well as raise awareness about the legitimate work of Human Rights Defenders and advise UN members states on steps to be taken to increase the safety and security of the Human Rights Defenders. The special Rapporteur reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly every year.
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