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Kelvin Water 2019-02-18

Biodegradable solid waste can be converted into an organic fertilizer by a suitable method known as composting.

The problem that our country faced today is related to treatment of food waste.

Inbuilt Shredder and humidity sensors help this machine in performing the process.

The high quality organic fertilizer which this machine produces is used for building a good garden or lawn.

Microorganisms shatter the waste material.OWC Machine Traits:This framework is designed in different sizes that make these machines comfortable in using.No noise, no bad smell.Performs complete food management process.The complete process is performed with no discharge of harmful gases.It provides good quality product as a result.The Organic Waste Composter Machine cycle consists of logical steps.

An environment friendly process which removes carbon footprints and provides an excellent quality product i.e.

Kelvin Water 2019-02-18

Biodegradable solid waste can be converted into an organic fertilizer by a suitable method known as composting.

The problem that our country faced today is related to treatment of food waste.

Inbuilt Shredder and humidity sensors help this machine in performing the process.

The high quality organic fertilizer which this machine produces is used for building a good garden or lawn.

Microorganisms shatter the waste material.OWC Machine Traits:This framework is designed in different sizes that make these machines comfortable in using.No noise, no bad smell.Performs complete food management process.The complete process is performed with no discharge of harmful gases.It provides good quality product as a result.The Organic Waste Composter Machine cycle consists of logical steps.

An environment friendly process which removes carbon footprints and provides an excellent quality product i.e.