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insights care 2021-07-28

The third, the soul still stands abandoned, desolate and little understood.No one can really be blamed for this state of affairs given the difficulty to understand and deal with something that even while being present in us, rarely manifests itself in any worldly manner.

That said, the soul and its troubles are something all of us face all the time in our lives and very few know how to deal with it.That’s unless you are into Yoga!Yes, yoga, the ancient India science of living, exercise and meditation finds mention in scriptures that are as old as 5000 years!

It finds mention in practically every ancient scripture from Rig Veda to the Upanishads, and the Bhagawad Gita.Religions running parallel to Hinduism being Jainism and Buddhism too have detailed accounts of Monks and Ascetics practicing yoga for varied reasons including so-called self-enlightenment.

From Patanjali to Sushrut to Panini, each one of these Sages of ancient India have spoken eloquently about Yoga and its benefits.Over the years, yoga has been refined and described to suite various needs and situations be it related to warfare, peacetime, mental alertness, physical strength and sustenance, stamina, health or even frugal minimalist living while giving up so-called outward display of carnal pleasures.

Yoga if seen in the context of yogis and yoginis, be it Indian or Chinese means giving up desires and concentrating on achieving goals for a larger cause and larger good.In fact, if seen from the preserve of disciplining the body and mind to follows rigours and make the body strong, supple and obedient to the mind without getting swayed by temporary feeling, yoga was equated to an ascetic life.

So strong were these percefeeling that till about a century back, barely anyone from the subcontinent other than the usual stock of ascetics, monks and minimalists were ever associated with it.And then came the likes of the Beatles, their visits and myriad modern-day yogis who among other constitute leading lights in cinema, music and industry in the west.

Flexifyme 2024-01-18
The future of pain management unfolds one breath at a time through convenient and personalized virtual yoga therapy. Begin Your Virtual Yoga Journey in 5 Simple StepsIntimidated trying yoga online first time? Step-By-Step: Gentle Sequence Easing Lower Back DiscomfortNew Possibilities for Overcoming Back Pain I hope exploring yoga’s incredible healing potential for back injury recovery from home resonates an uplifting sense of possibility. The customization, affordability and accessibility of virtual sessions removes previous barriers like prohibitive costs or commute struggles that prevented vulnerable groups from attempting yoga altogether. As the Head of Yoga at FlexifyMe, my dedicated approach supports individuals globally, offering specialized online Yoga and Physiotherapy sessions, emphasizing a vision of a pain-free world.
Flexifyme 2024-01-17
This is where a personalized yoga practice concentrating on gentle strength building and realignment comes in – not replacing medical protocols but complementing them holistically. Her customized yoga therapy is now lifelong scoliosis management, keeping pain and other symptoms at bay as she dances through adolescence. While outcomes vary case-by-case, experts agree yoga strengthens core and spinal muscles ensuring stability while enhancing quality of life parameters like flexibility and pain management. When integrated under supervision, yoga helps manage pain and maintains flexibility so patients can keep enjoying activities like dancing even with scoliosis! Exploring Yoga for Scoliosis Management: Poses and BenefitsExploring Yoga for Scoliosis: Beginner Tips and PosesTime to Roll Out Your Yoga Mat: Next Steps for Scoliosis Management After understanding how strategic yoga strengthens muscles around the spine, complements medical treatment, and enhances posture/mobility for scoliosis individuals, an opportunity manifests – should you integrate this holistic wellness practice under expert guidance as well?
Flexifyme 2023-12-26
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes underactive and stops secreting enough thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when your thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones. Certain Pranayama yoga for thyroid need constriction and stretching of the larynx in your throat. Instructions for Thyroid Pranayama PracticeThyroid control by pranayama is effective if you follow the instructions given below. 5 Best Asanas in Yoga for Thyroid ControlOther than the exercises in Pranayama for thyroid control, certain asanas in Yoga can cure the thyroid as well.
insights care 2021-07-28

The third, the soul still stands abandoned, desolate and little understood.No one can really be blamed for this state of affairs given the difficulty to understand and deal with something that even while being present in us, rarely manifests itself in any worldly manner.

That said, the soul and its troubles are something all of us face all the time in our lives and very few know how to deal with it.That’s unless you are into Yoga!Yes, yoga, the ancient India science of living, exercise and meditation finds mention in scriptures that are as old as 5000 years!

It finds mention in practically every ancient scripture from Rig Veda to the Upanishads, and the Bhagawad Gita.Religions running parallel to Hinduism being Jainism and Buddhism too have detailed accounts of Monks and Ascetics practicing yoga for varied reasons including so-called self-enlightenment.

From Patanjali to Sushrut to Panini, each one of these Sages of ancient India have spoken eloquently about Yoga and its benefits.Over the years, yoga has been refined and described to suite various needs and situations be it related to warfare, peacetime, mental alertness, physical strength and sustenance, stamina, health or even frugal minimalist living while giving up so-called outward display of carnal pleasures.

Yoga if seen in the context of yogis and yoginis, be it Indian or Chinese means giving up desires and concentrating on achieving goals for a larger cause and larger good.In fact, if seen from the preserve of disciplining the body and mind to follows rigours and make the body strong, supple and obedient to the mind without getting swayed by temporary feeling, yoga was equated to an ascetic life.

So strong were these percefeeling that till about a century back, barely anyone from the subcontinent other than the usual stock of ascetics, monks and minimalists were ever associated with it.And then came the likes of the Beatles, their visits and myriad modern-day yogis who among other constitute leading lights in cinema, music and industry in the west.

Flexifyme 2024-01-17
This is where a personalized yoga practice concentrating on gentle strength building and realignment comes in – not replacing medical protocols but complementing them holistically. Her customized yoga therapy is now lifelong scoliosis management, keeping pain and other symptoms at bay as she dances through adolescence. While outcomes vary case-by-case, experts agree yoga strengthens core and spinal muscles ensuring stability while enhancing quality of life parameters like flexibility and pain management. When integrated under supervision, yoga helps manage pain and maintains flexibility so patients can keep enjoying activities like dancing even with scoliosis! Exploring Yoga for Scoliosis Management: Poses and BenefitsExploring Yoga for Scoliosis: Beginner Tips and PosesTime to Roll Out Your Yoga Mat: Next Steps for Scoliosis Management After understanding how strategic yoga strengthens muscles around the spine, complements medical treatment, and enhances posture/mobility for scoliosis individuals, an opportunity manifests – should you integrate this holistic wellness practice under expert guidance as well?
Flexifyme 2024-01-18
The future of pain management unfolds one breath at a time through convenient and personalized virtual yoga therapy. Begin Your Virtual Yoga Journey in 5 Simple StepsIntimidated trying yoga online first time? Step-By-Step: Gentle Sequence Easing Lower Back DiscomfortNew Possibilities for Overcoming Back Pain I hope exploring yoga’s incredible healing potential for back injury recovery from home resonates an uplifting sense of possibility. The customization, affordability and accessibility of virtual sessions removes previous barriers like prohibitive costs or commute struggles that prevented vulnerable groups from attempting yoga altogether. As the Head of Yoga at FlexifyMe, my dedicated approach supports individuals globally, offering specialized online Yoga and Physiotherapy sessions, emphasizing a vision of a pain-free world.
Flexifyme 2023-12-26
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes underactive and stops secreting enough thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when your thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones. Certain Pranayama yoga for thyroid need constriction and stretching of the larynx in your throat. Instructions for Thyroid Pranayama PracticeThyroid control by pranayama is effective if you follow the instructions given below. 5 Best Asanas in Yoga for Thyroid ControlOther than the exercises in Pranayama for thyroid control, certain asanas in Yoga can cure the thyroid as well.