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Cervical001 2021-06-11

Discolored areas of skin are areas of skin that change color.

One of the most common causes of dark spots on the back is inflammation, injury, or illness.

When melanin is produced at levels above normal at a certain level in a certain area, it leads to skin discoloration.

The best back hyperpigmentation treatment is with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and (beta hydroxy acid) BHA peels and IPL photo face masks.

The main mechanism of chemical peeling for the upper back is to remove unwanted melanin through a controlled chemical burn to the skin.

Peels have proven to be extremely helpful in treating dark discharge on the back.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

How to get rid from pigmentation :- Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation, also known as dark spots, age spots, and sun spots, are uneven brown spots that appear on the face, arms, décolleté, and shoulders.

These areas of discoloration, which are larger than freckles, age significantly.

What causes pigmentation?Areas with uneven pigmentation are caused by sun exposure, in particular UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin and cause aging.

Talking to Cosmopolitan Consultant Dermatologist Dr. Nick Lowe explained that “UVA stimulates pigment cells to produce a pigment called melanin.

This causes sunburn as well as unwanted dark spots.

" Sun spots can take anywhere from 10 to 20 years to appear, he says, so even if you're struggling to protect your skin now, you may start noticing those that started as a child.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

Diabetes in pcos is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 6% to 12% (up to 5 million) of women of reproductive age in the United States.

But there is much more to it.

This lifelong health condition persists well beyond childbearing age.

Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant; their bodies can make insulin but cannot use it efficiently, which increases their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

They also have higher levels of androgens (male hormones that women also have), which can stop egg production (ovulation) and cause irregular menstruation, acne, thinning scalp hair, and excess facial and body hair growth.

Women with PCOS can develop serious health problems, especially if they are overweight: Diabetes - More than half of women with PCOS develop type 2 diabetes by age 40.Gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), which puts pregnancy and baby at risk and can lead to type 2 diabetes later in life for both mother and baby.Heart disease - Women with PCOS are at higher risk and the risk increases with age.High blood pressure, which can damage the heart, brain, and kidneys.High LDL cholesterol (“bad”) and low HDL cholesterol (“good”) increase the risk of heart disease.The external symbol for sleep apnea is a disorder that causes respiratory arrest during sleep and increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.Stroke - Plaque (cholesterol and white blood cells) clogging up blood vessels can lead to blood clots, which in turn can cause a stroke.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

Kanchanar guggulu for PCOS is one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, PCOS and joint pain.

The word "guggul" comes from the Sanskrit word guggulu, which means "protection from disease.

"Health Benefits of Kanchanar GugguluKanchnar Guggul has many benefits, which is why it is widely used in Ayurveda to treat many diseases.It is also known as "Yogavahi", which means that it carries other substances deep into the tissues of the body.

This is the cleansing property of canchnar guggul, which makes it useful for removing toxins from the body and thus fighting various diseases.

Detoxification and rejuvenationKanchnar Guggul removes toxins from the tissues and channels of your body.

In the absence of toxins and toxins, the body recovers and rejuvenates itself.This is possible due to the scraping properties of the Kanchanar Guggulu.

Cervical001 2021-06-11

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation usually appears as a flat patch of discoloration on the skin.

The color can range from white, pink, red, purple, brown, or black, depending on your skin tone and the depth of the discoloration.

PIH can develop on all skin types, but tends to be more severe and long lasting in people with a medium to dark complexion.

PIH affects both men and women equally.PVH develops when a wound or irritation, such as a scratch, rash, or pimple, causes the skin to become inflamed.

When the skin heals, it produces too much melanin.

Excess melanin makes the skin look dark and discolored.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

 If you have superficial skin pigmentation, it can be reduced with ongoing herbal treatments and appropriate diets and lifestyles.

However, it may take longer to restore skin pigmentation at a deeper level.

When Bhrajaka Pitta is in an unbalanced state, it leads to damage to other doshas - Vata and Kapha, which, in turn, leads to various pigmentation disorders.

In addition, accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body contributes to the disruption of skin pigmentation.

Now let's find out about the various dosha-specific herbal remedies for hyper- and hypopigmentation.

Take a warm water bath with a mild herbal cleanser.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

 The four main Hyperpigmentation Treatment are chemical peels, IPL, laser, and anti-pigmentation creams such as hydroquinone.

The best treatment for excess pigmentation depends on what is causing the excess pigment and often involves combination therapy.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and melasma are treated with chemical peels and skin whitening cream, while skin discoloration due to sun exposure or heredity is treated with IPL and laser.

What is hyperpigmentation?Hyperpigmentation is excess melanin production that causes skin discoloration and dark spots on the skin.

Sun discoloration includes freckles, age spots, and liver spots.

1- Chemical peels to treat hyperpigmentationChemical peels help remove excess pigment by removing the old damaged skin surface.

Cervical001 2021-06-08

Its symptoms affect over 90 percent of women during their period.

It should make some aspects of your life worse for a doctor to diagnose you.

PMS symptoms begin 5-11 days before your period and usually go away after your period starts.

Estrogen and progesterone levels rise at certain times of the month.

Ovarian steroids also modulate the activity in the parts of the brain associated with premenstrual symptoms.

PMS symptomsA woman's menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days.

Cervical001 2021-06-11

Diet for pigmentation on face :- Pigmentation can be attributed to skin coloration.

In people with pigmentation problems, areas of dark or light skin appear on the body, which appear due to the presence of melanin.

Melanin is found on the skin surface of the human body and is actually produced by melanocytes.

The main function of melanin is to protect skin cells from harmful UV and sun rays, like an umbrella.When there is too much melanin, dark spots appear on the skin.

It can be caused by anything from stress, sun exposure, birth control pills, genetics, menopause, skin care, and even pregnancy.

This is not a very harmful condition, but it makes the skin less attractive.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

If you are good about these situations, then it's time to better understand your skin and find a reliable solution to get rid of dark spots.

Every problem has a root cause, and it is very important to get to the bottom of it in order to cure it.

You may have heard of the natural pigment melanin that is present in the skin.

This pigment is responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and even hair.

It's incredible how one pigment is responsible for such a variety of appearance in people around the world!

Every person has the same number of melanin-producing cells known as melanocytes.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

 Dermatologists worked very hard to figure out the reason for this, and their results had one thing in common.

Hyperpigmentation due to hormonal imbalance has been identified as the main cause of hyperpigmentation without any external stimuli.

Let's check what's behind this by looking at the following points.

Even our emotions are linked to these hormones, every emotion we experience is triggered by these hormones.

When something in our body changes, the internal system of our body reacts to it in different ways.One way of responding to changes in the internal system of our body is through an imbalance in our hormones.

An imbalance means that our body will release a certain hormone in a large or small amount.

Cervical001 2021-06-08

PCOS And Pregnancy :- Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Since it affects up to 5 million American women, or 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age, chances are good that someone you know has it.

While this condition can make it difficult to conceive - and it increases your risk of certain pregnancy complications after you do get pregnant - women with PCOS give birth to healthy babies every day.

Here's what you need to know to increase your chances of getting pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy with PCOS.PCOS is a hormonal disorder that leads to problems with ovulation.

Ovulation is the process by which a mature egg is released monthly from tiny fluid-filled sacs (follicles) in the ovaries.

Specifically, hormonal imbalances interfere with the ability of the follicles to release eggs, which instead remain in the ovaries as cysts - hence the name poly (which means many) cystic ovary syndrome.A doctor is not sure what causes PCOS, but there are several factors that have been associated with the condition, including: Genetics.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

Pigmentation In Pregnancy:- When I was pregnant, there were many changes to my body that I was not ready for.

But one of the changes that made me feel the most self-conscious was the change that happened to my skin.

The pigmentation on my face, especially under the eyes, became really noticeable towards the end of the pregnancy.

When I look at the pictures now, that's all I see.

It is estimated that up to three quarters of pregnant women have these spots, also known as "pregnancy mask".

In women with darker skin, the spots may be lighter than normal.Pigmentation during pregnancy is linked to increased estrogen levels in a woman, according to dermatologist Dr. Michael Rich.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

 What is Hyperpigmentation :- Hyperpigmentation is not necessarily a condition, it is a term that describes darker skin.

Can:1- occur in small areas2- cover large areas3- affect the whole bodyWhile pigmentation is usually not harmful, it can be a symptom of another medical condition.

Learn about the types of hyperpigmentation, causes, and how to treat it.

Types of hyperpigmentationThere are several types of hyperpigmentation, the most common of which are melasma, sun spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Melasma is thought to be caused by hormonal changes and can develop during pregnancy.

Areas of hyperpigmentation can appear on any part of the body, but most often they appear on the abdomen and face.2- Sun spots.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

What is pigmentation:- Pigmentation is a condition in which the skin takes on an unexplained discoloration or discoloration.

In general, it is a term used to describe darkened or lightening spots, blemishes, or uneven skin tone.

Basically, the skin acquires its color due to the pigment, melanin, which is produced by melanocyte cells.

Pigmentation can be due to genetics or a number of factors that interfere with melanin production, resulting in abnormal or uneven skin color.

TYPES OF PIGMENTATION:1- Skin pigmentation can be different depending on factors and melanin disorders.

There are usually three of them:2- Depigmentation - due to loss of skin pigment4- Hypopigmentation - due to low production of pigment (melanin)5- Vitiligo6- Pityriasis versicolor Alba7- Albinism8- Hyperpigmentation - due to excessive pigment production9- Freckles10- solar lentigines 

Cervical001 2021-06-08

One of the most common manifestations in  Polycystic Ovaries "Heavy Periods".

However, it should be emphasized that there are many patients with mild PCOS who can become pregnant.

Not all PCOS patients ovulate.

They will ovulate normally and the doctor will find that they have a very mild form of PCOS when the ovary is stressed by injecting ovulation-inducing medications.

PCOS and diabetesRecent studies have shown that there is a link between PCOS and insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas in the body.

Cervical001 2021-06-11

Discolored areas of skin are areas of skin that change color.

One of the most common causes of dark spots on the back is inflammation, injury, or illness.

When melanin is produced at levels above normal at a certain level in a certain area, it leads to skin discoloration.

The best back hyperpigmentation treatment is with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and (beta hydroxy acid) BHA peels and IPL photo face masks.

The main mechanism of chemical peeling for the upper back is to remove unwanted melanin through a controlled chemical burn to the skin.

Peels have proven to be extremely helpful in treating dark discharge on the back.

Cervical001 2021-06-11

Diet for pigmentation on face :- Pigmentation can be attributed to skin coloration.

In people with pigmentation problems, areas of dark or light skin appear on the body, which appear due to the presence of melanin.

Melanin is found on the skin surface of the human body and is actually produced by melanocytes.

The main function of melanin is to protect skin cells from harmful UV and sun rays, like an umbrella.When there is too much melanin, dark spots appear on the skin.

It can be caused by anything from stress, sun exposure, birth control pills, genetics, menopause, skin care, and even pregnancy.

This is not a very harmful condition, but it makes the skin less attractive.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

How to get rid from pigmentation :- Pigmentation or hyperpigmentation, also known as dark spots, age spots, and sun spots, are uneven brown spots that appear on the face, arms, décolleté, and shoulders.

These areas of discoloration, which are larger than freckles, age significantly.

What causes pigmentation?Areas with uneven pigmentation are caused by sun exposure, in particular UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin and cause aging.

Talking to Cosmopolitan Consultant Dermatologist Dr. Nick Lowe explained that “UVA stimulates pigment cells to produce a pigment called melanin.

This causes sunburn as well as unwanted dark spots.

" Sun spots can take anywhere from 10 to 20 years to appear, he says, so even if you're struggling to protect your skin now, you may start noticing those that started as a child.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

If you are good about these situations, then it's time to better understand your skin and find a reliable solution to get rid of dark spots.

Every problem has a root cause, and it is very important to get to the bottom of it in order to cure it.

You may have heard of the natural pigment melanin that is present in the skin.

This pigment is responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and even hair.

It's incredible how one pigment is responsible for such a variety of appearance in people around the world!

Every person has the same number of melanin-producing cells known as melanocytes.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

Diabetes in pcos is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 6% to 12% (up to 5 million) of women of reproductive age in the United States.

But there is much more to it.

This lifelong health condition persists well beyond childbearing age.

Women with PCOS are often insulin resistant; their bodies can make insulin but cannot use it efficiently, which increases their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

They also have higher levels of androgens (male hormones that women also have), which can stop egg production (ovulation) and cause irregular menstruation, acne, thinning scalp hair, and excess facial and body hair growth.

Women with PCOS can develop serious health problems, especially if they are overweight: Diabetes - More than half of women with PCOS develop type 2 diabetes by age 40.Gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), which puts pregnancy and baby at risk and can lead to type 2 diabetes later in life for both mother and baby.Heart disease - Women with PCOS are at higher risk and the risk increases with age.High blood pressure, which can damage the heart, brain, and kidneys.High LDL cholesterol (“bad”) and low HDL cholesterol (“good”) increase the risk of heart disease.The external symbol for sleep apnea is a disorder that causes respiratory arrest during sleep and increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.Stroke - Plaque (cholesterol and white blood cells) clogging up blood vessels can lead to blood clots, which in turn can cause a stroke.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

 Dermatologists worked very hard to figure out the reason for this, and their results had one thing in common.

Hyperpigmentation due to hormonal imbalance has been identified as the main cause of hyperpigmentation without any external stimuli.

Let's check what's behind this by looking at the following points.

Even our emotions are linked to these hormones, every emotion we experience is triggered by these hormones.

When something in our body changes, the internal system of our body reacts to it in different ways.One way of responding to changes in the internal system of our body is through an imbalance in our hormones.

An imbalance means that our body will release a certain hormone in a large or small amount.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

Kanchanar guggulu for PCOS is one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance, PCOS and joint pain.

The word "guggul" comes from the Sanskrit word guggulu, which means "protection from disease.

"Health Benefits of Kanchanar GugguluKanchnar Guggul has many benefits, which is why it is widely used in Ayurveda to treat many diseases.It is also known as "Yogavahi", which means that it carries other substances deep into the tissues of the body.

This is the cleansing property of canchnar guggul, which makes it useful for removing toxins from the body and thus fighting various diseases.

Detoxification and rejuvenationKanchnar Guggul removes toxins from the tissues and channels of your body.

In the absence of toxins and toxins, the body recovers and rejuvenates itself.This is possible due to the scraping properties of the Kanchanar Guggulu.

Cervical001 2021-06-08

PCOS And Pregnancy :- Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Since it affects up to 5 million American women, or 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing age, chances are good that someone you know has it.

While this condition can make it difficult to conceive - and it increases your risk of certain pregnancy complications after you do get pregnant - women with PCOS give birth to healthy babies every day.

Here's what you need to know to increase your chances of getting pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy with PCOS.PCOS is a hormonal disorder that leads to problems with ovulation.

Ovulation is the process by which a mature egg is released monthly from tiny fluid-filled sacs (follicles) in the ovaries.

Specifically, hormonal imbalances interfere with the ability of the follicles to release eggs, which instead remain in the ovaries as cysts - hence the name poly (which means many) cystic ovary syndrome.A doctor is not sure what causes PCOS, but there are several factors that have been associated with the condition, including: Genetics.

Cervical001 2021-06-11

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation usually appears as a flat patch of discoloration on the skin.

The color can range from white, pink, red, purple, brown, or black, depending on your skin tone and the depth of the discoloration.

PIH can develop on all skin types, but tends to be more severe and long lasting in people with a medium to dark complexion.

PIH affects both men and women equally.PVH develops when a wound or irritation, such as a scratch, rash, or pimple, causes the skin to become inflamed.

When the skin heals, it produces too much melanin.

Excess melanin makes the skin look dark and discolored.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

Pigmentation In Pregnancy:- When I was pregnant, there were many changes to my body that I was not ready for.

But one of the changes that made me feel the most self-conscious was the change that happened to my skin.

The pigmentation on my face, especially under the eyes, became really noticeable towards the end of the pregnancy.

When I look at the pictures now, that's all I see.

It is estimated that up to three quarters of pregnant women have these spots, also known as "pregnancy mask".

In women with darker skin, the spots may be lighter than normal.Pigmentation during pregnancy is linked to increased estrogen levels in a woman, according to dermatologist Dr. Michael Rich.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

 If you have superficial skin pigmentation, it can be reduced with ongoing herbal treatments and appropriate diets and lifestyles.

However, it may take longer to restore skin pigmentation at a deeper level.

When Bhrajaka Pitta is in an unbalanced state, it leads to damage to other doshas - Vata and Kapha, which, in turn, leads to various pigmentation disorders.

In addition, accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body contributes to the disruption of skin pigmentation.

Now let's find out about the various dosha-specific herbal remedies for hyper- and hypopigmentation.

Take a warm water bath with a mild herbal cleanser.

Cervical001 2021-06-10

 What is Hyperpigmentation :- Hyperpigmentation is not necessarily a condition, it is a term that describes darker skin.

Can:1- occur in small areas2- cover large areas3- affect the whole bodyWhile pigmentation is usually not harmful, it can be a symptom of another medical condition.

Learn about the types of hyperpigmentation, causes, and how to treat it.

Types of hyperpigmentationThere are several types of hyperpigmentation, the most common of which are melasma, sun spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Melasma is thought to be caused by hormonal changes and can develop during pregnancy.

Areas of hyperpigmentation can appear on any part of the body, but most often they appear on the abdomen and face.2- Sun spots.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

 The four main Hyperpigmentation Treatment are chemical peels, IPL, laser, and anti-pigmentation creams such as hydroquinone.

The best treatment for excess pigmentation depends on what is causing the excess pigment and often involves combination therapy.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and melasma are treated with chemical peels and skin whitening cream, while skin discoloration due to sun exposure or heredity is treated with IPL and laser.

What is hyperpigmentation?Hyperpigmentation is excess melanin production that causes skin discoloration and dark spots on the skin.

Sun discoloration includes freckles, age spots, and liver spots.

1- Chemical peels to treat hyperpigmentationChemical peels help remove excess pigment by removing the old damaged skin surface.

Cervical001 2021-06-09

What is pigmentation:- Pigmentation is a condition in which the skin takes on an unexplained discoloration or discoloration.

In general, it is a term used to describe darkened or lightening spots, blemishes, or uneven skin tone.

Basically, the skin acquires its color due to the pigment, melanin, which is produced by melanocyte cells.

Pigmentation can be due to genetics or a number of factors that interfere with melanin production, resulting in abnormal or uneven skin color.

TYPES OF PIGMENTATION:1- Skin pigmentation can be different depending on factors and melanin disorders.

There are usually three of them:2- Depigmentation - due to loss of skin pigment4- Hypopigmentation - due to low production of pigment (melanin)5- Vitiligo6- Pityriasis versicolor Alba7- Albinism8- Hyperpigmentation - due to excessive pigment production9- Freckles10- solar lentigines 

Cervical001 2021-06-08

Its symptoms affect over 90 percent of women during their period.

It should make some aspects of your life worse for a doctor to diagnose you.

PMS symptoms begin 5-11 days before your period and usually go away after your period starts.

Estrogen and progesterone levels rise at certain times of the month.

Ovarian steroids also modulate the activity in the parts of the brain associated with premenstrual symptoms.

PMS symptomsA woman's menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days.

Cervical001 2021-06-08

One of the most common manifestations in  Polycystic Ovaries "Heavy Periods".

However, it should be emphasized that there are many patients with mild PCOS who can become pregnant.

Not all PCOS patients ovulate.

They will ovulate normally and the doctor will find that they have a very mild form of PCOS when the ovary is stressed by injecting ovulation-inducing medications.

PCOS and diabetesRecent studies have shown that there is a link between PCOS and insulin resistance.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas in the body.