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Omkar Bajpai
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Omkar Bajpai 2019-05-16
JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is an open standard form (RFC 7519) used to securely transmit information or represent claims between two parties, for example between a client/consumer and a server/service. It is used to digitally sign verified and trusted information. As a fundamental token format, the user can transmit identification information or other information in the form of tokens in a single format. In the process of creating tokens, everything, even the content is encapsulated as a token. Therefore, it offers a more secure way to transfer information.
Omkar Bajpai 2019-05-16
JWT stands for JSON Web Tokens. JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is an open standard form (RFC 7519) used to securely transmit information or represent claims between two parties, for example between a client/consumer and a server/service. It is used to digitally sign verified and trusted information. As a fundamental token format, the user can transmit identification information or other information in the form of tokens in a single format. In the process of creating tokens, everything, even the content is encapsulated as a token. Therefore, it offers a more secure way to transfer information.