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Sunrocks Man
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Sunrocks Man 2021-03-03

Our Sun Rocks are best enjoyed through a bong or a pipe – pack some freshly ground herb in the base, tear apart the Sun Rock with your fingers or scissors (never grind), and then add another layer of flower to produce a more evenly burning bowl.How To Smoke A SunRockUnless you want your grinder consuming a bunch of the kief and oil, your nug is covered with you’ll have to find a safer way to break up your SunRocks.

We recommend using scissors to gently cut it into smaller pieces.

Whatever your preference is, SunRocks are a step above MoonRocks in potency, so treat them that way.

Buy Sunrocks OnlineYou can probably sprinkle pieces of SunRocks into a blunt full of regular weed and still enhance your experience.

MoonRocks were made for people looking for a way to get higher than smoking flowers alone.

SunRocks are made for those that want to get higher than they would with MoonRocks, but maybe not as much as doing a fat dab.

Sunrocks Man 2021-03-03

Our Sun Rocks are best enjoyed through a bong or a pipe – pack some freshly ground herb in the base, tear apart the Sun Rock with your fingers or scissors (never grind), and then add another layer of flower to produce a more evenly burning bowl.How To Smoke A SunRockUnless you want your grinder consuming a bunch of the kief and oil, your nug is covered with you’ll have to find a safer way to break up your SunRocks.

We recommend using scissors to gently cut it into smaller pieces.

Whatever your preference is, SunRocks are a step above MoonRocks in potency, so treat them that way.

Buy Sunrocks OnlineYou can probably sprinkle pieces of SunRocks into a blunt full of regular weed and still enhance your experience.

MoonRocks were made for people looking for a way to get higher than smoking flowers alone.

SunRocks are made for those that want to get higher than they would with MoonRocks, but maybe not as much as doing a fat dab.