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Rashmi Sharma
Best IVF Clinic in Delhi having high success rate, Dr.Rashmi Sharma having 22+ Yrs. Exp. Get Free Consultation, Call @ 9582181188
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Rashmi Sharma 2022-03-28
We are one of the finest IVF center and fertility clinic in Delhi who are dedicatedly working towards helping couples who are trying to conceive but are not able to. We have the best IVF specialist in Delhi who have years of experience and have an impressive success rate in infertility treatments. The world-class facilities along with competent staff have enabled us to achieve an outstanding success rate and become one of the best IVF center in Delhi. We at Origyn IVF have an experienced and compassionate team of IVF doctors and embryologists and have won various excellence awards and recognitions for being one of the best IVF clinic in Delhi. The best IVF center in Delhi are determined on various factors like success rates, facilities, qualification, and location:International Pride IVF & Surrogacy Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)International Fertility Center, Delhi (Low-Cost IVF Center in Delhi)Origyn IVF, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Akanksha IVF Center Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Ayushman Hospital and Health Service, Delhi (Low-cost IVF Center in India)Indira IVF Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Max Healthcare IVF Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Advance Fertility Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Elixir Fertility Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Gaudium IVF Clinic, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi      Origyn IVF 4th Floor, HB Twin Tower, NSP, Pitampura, New Delhi - 110034 Email Id- vijayorigynivf@gmail.
Rashmi Sharma 2021-10-09

While IVF or In-vitro fertilization is a blessing from medical science for women with age or health issues, it is still a risky treatment that can cause negative outcomes.

Egg donor IVF is presented as a last resort to couples by experts as an alternative to enjoy parenthood where there is no other way.

So, how to choose the right egg donor for your IVF?Today, women who face fertility issues that hinder the process of conceiving naturally, approach an IVF Specialists to assist their journey to become a mother.

However, in some cases, self-egg IVF is not an appropriate option due to decreasing egg reserve or unfavorable age in spite of egg reserve, the egg donor is recommended.The experts, then, counsel the couple about this third-party reproduction, in which, there is no direct contact with donors, their images are not shared, and their anonymity is maintained.

While donors do not have an idea about who will be receiving their eggs, intended mothers also do not know about the donor.

There are many aspects to consider while selecting who feels right and what meets the requirements for you in this beautiful process of creating your family.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-17

पिसीओएस (PCOS) या  पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम(polycystic ovarian syndrome) अंडाशय को  प्रभावित करने वाली एक हार्मोनल (hormonal) स्थिति है। सामान्य मासिक धर्म  चक्र(menstural cycle) में, आमतौर पर लगभग  7-8 के आसपास फॉलिकल  (follicles) होते हैं जो बढ़ने लगते हैं और इनमें से एक फॉलिकल (follicle)  अंडे को छोड़ने के लिए परिपक्व होगा। हालांकि, पीसीओएस से प्रभावित महिला  में, एफएसएच (FSH) और एलएच (LH) हार्मोन(hormone) में असंतुलन होता है और  एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) का अधिक उत्पादन होता है, जिसकी वजह से  कोई भी अंडा (egg) परिपक्व नहीं होता है, जिससे एनोव्यूलेश(anovulation)  के कारण बच्चा ठहरने  में मुश्किल आती है ।(PCOS) का कारण क्या होता है ?

पीसीओएस(pcos)  का सटीक कारण अज्ञात है, लेकिन हम जानते हैं कि पैरेंटल  जीन्स (parental genes) एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। PCOS विकसित होने   की अधिक संभावना होती है, अगर उनके परिवार में डायबिटिक (diabetic)जीन  (gene)पायी जाती है | एण्ड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone)(जो कि एक पुरुष हार्मोन है) का  अधिक मात्रा में होना (overproduction) भी पीसीओएस (pcos) में कारण हो सकता  है। पीसीओएस में महिलाओं में अक्सर एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) का  लेवल नार्मल मात्रा से अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है । यह  ओवुलेशन(ovulation) के दौरान अंडे के विकास और उसके रिलीज(release) को  प्रभावित कर सकता है। इंसुलिन हार्मोन (insulin hormone)(एक हार्मोन जो  शुगर(sugar) और स्टार्च(starch) को एनर्जी (energy) में बदलने में मदद करता  है) एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) के बढ़े हुए लेवल का कारण भी होता  है। एक डॉक्टर को आपको कब दिखाना चाहिए?यदि आप पीसीओएस (pcos) के इन लक्षणों में से किसी भी लक्षण से पीड़ित हैं| PCOS महिलाओं के उम्र की तीनों अवस्थाओं  को प्रभावित करता है | 1-किशोरावस्था के दौरान: (young age) मुंहासे, चेहरे पर अत्यधिक बाल आना और अनियमित पीरियड्स होते हैं।2-प्रजनन आयु के दौरान (reproductive age) पॉलीसिस्टिक अंडाशय(ovaries) के साथ बांझपन की दर(percentage) बहुत अधिक  है। इन महिलाओं को आमतौर पर गर्भवती होने में कठिनाई होती है और आमतौर पर  गर्भधारण के अवसरों में सुधार के लिए उपचार(treatment) की आवश्यकता होती  है।जिन महिलाओं में पीसीओएस की वजह से गर्भधारण करने में मुश्किल हो रही है  उन्हें एक प्रजनन चिकित्सक (infertility specialist) से परामर्श करना  चाहिए जो पीसीओएस को ठीक से समझता है।  बांझपन और गर्भावस्था में मधुमेह  (gestational diabetes) की संभावना अधिक होती है। 3- 30-40 के बाद: -(old  age)ऐसी महिलाओं के लिए मधुमेह, हृदय रोग, गर्भाशय के कैंसर,के लिए 5 गुना बढ़ा हुआ जोखिम होता है| एक अध्ययन(studies) से पता चला है कि भारत में लगभग 18% महिलाएं  पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) से पीड़ित हैं और बढ़ते मोटापे के  कारण यह समस्या और बढ़ती जा रही है।पीसीओएस में गर्भधारण के इलाज को तीन steps में किया जा सकता है जैसे – १- पहला इलाज़ जिसमें महीने के दूसरे या तीसरे दिन से अंडा बनाने की दवाई  खिलाकर अल्ट्रासाउंड के जरिये अंडे की वृद्धि को देखते हुए महिला को दिन  बता दिए जाते हैं जब हस्बैंड (husband) और( wife) को साथ में रहना होता  है  |२-अगर पहले इलाज से गर्भधारण नहीं हो पाता तो IUI (intra uterine  insemination) के द्वारा गर्भधारण कराया जा सकता है जिसमें कि अंडा बनने पर  हस्बैंड (husband) के शुक्राणुओं को लैब (andrology lab) में तैयार करके  बच्चेदानी में एक पतली नली के द्वारा डाल दिया जाता है | यह एक दर्दरहित   प्रोसीजर (procedure) होता है जिसे करने में सिर्फ ५-१० मिनट ही लगते हैं |  ३- आखिरी इलाज IVF (in vitro fertilization) होता है जो कि तब किया जाता  है जब पहले सारे इलाज करने के बावजूद गर्भधारण करने में असफलता प्राप्त  होती है |IVF में अंडा बनाने के लिए दवाई की जगह इंजेक्शन का उपयोग किया जाता है  ताकि अंडों की अधिक मात्रा में प्राप्ति हो | जिससे हमें एक बार में ही  अधिक भ्रूण मिलने की सफलता प्राप्त हो | यह इंजेक्शन १०- १२ दिन लगते हैं  और बारहवें दिन जब सारे अंडे mature हो जाते हैं तब , अल्ट्रासाउंड   (ultrasound) के जरिये देखते हुए अण्डों को निकाल लिया जाता है | यह बिलकुल  दर्दरहित होता है और आपको ३-४ घंटे भर्ती किया जाता है | इसके बाद लैब में  भ्रूण बनाया जाता है , जिसे ३-५ दिन बाद बच्चेदानी में डाल दिया जाता है |  IVF में इंजेक्शन के अलावा और कहीं भी इस प्रक्रिया में कोई दर्द नहीं होता |हालाँकि, आपको यह  ध्यान रखना है कि प्रत्येक मरीज अलग होता है और  स्थितियाँ एक मामले से दूसरे मामले में भिन्न हो सकती हैं। इसलिए किसी भी  तरह के निष्कर्ष पर जाने से पहले एक अच्छे डॉक्टर की राय लें।ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए और आपकी सहायता करने के लिए हमारे ORIGYN FERTILITY AND IVF CENTRE पर संपर्क करेंहमारे चिकित्सक आपकी हर तरह से सहायता करने के लिए तत्पर हैं |

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-22

Precious Egg Donor ProgramEgg donation means when a woman with good ovarian reserves donates Egg Oocytes to infertile women, having poor egg reserve  (ovarian reserve), or no egg formation due to age or any other reason.Origyn Fertility & IVF carries very successful egg donation program,  following all guidelines laid by ICMR under which it is clearly mentioned that no ART Clinic can provide oocyte donors, sperm donors and surrogate mother to the patient directly, a separate ART Bank  (Artificial reproductive Technology Bank) is required for the same.

We have collaboration with ART BANKS who provide us a wide range of Indian  Donors & Caucasian Donors too.

Our center always encourages professional egg donation, which means where donor goes IVF to donate eggs for a couple rather than egg sharing (in which eggs are shared with a  couple undergoing IVF for themselves).

In the case of egg sharing, there is a compromise of both IVF cycles.Egg Donor ProgramEgg Donor Program Who requires egg donation?

If a woman has no ovaries (either congenitally absent or removed due to any surgery).Women having a very low quality of ovarian reserve, maybe due to age, or can be some unexplained reason.A previous history of IVF failures.Premature Ovarian Failure (where menopause has started much earlier, before 40).A genetically transmitted disease that could be passed on to your child.How we  choose a suitable donor for the couple A lady should be less than 30 years of age having her own kid, which proves her fertility.We emphasize that her looks or physical appearance are as close to the intended mother as possible.USG of the donor is done to look for AFC (ANTRAL FOLLICLE COUNT), if AFC is good then is followed by AMH testing.A thorough history & observation is of the donor is performed along with psychological counseling.All the baseline tests of the donor are carried out to confirm her fitness.The donor is given complete care and attention and their injections are given in our center only so that the schedule is not disturbed.As the Egg donation in India is Anonymous, so we follow all legalities for that, we share donor profiles (age, educational qualification, ethnicity, the color of hairs, eyes, complexion, how many kids, etc.)

with the patient but not the photograph of the donor.The success rate of IVF with Donor egg is very high, 60-70%.The donor program is well coordinated with patients stationed outside Delhi through mails.Egg Donor ProgramAre you looking for an egg donation clinic for IVF in Delhi NCR?

Rashmi Sharma 2022-02-19
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is one of the indicators of the number of eggs in your ovaries, or your ovarian reserve. Low AMH levels are generally considered to be an indicator of a low ovarian reserve. ) to make a baby, so low ovarian reserve doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to get pregnant. You don’t need any special preparations for an AMH test. It’s time for you to get your AMH test done, boost your fertility, and have a healthy baby.
Rashmi Sharma 2021-08-03
If you have decided to start a family, you are probably already thinking about ways to increase your chances of having a normal pregnancy and a healthy newborn. It is an important aspect as many diseases can be treated or managed beforehand to reduce risks to the mother and baby’s health if they are identified timely.A healthy woman can also carry some diseases which do not cause any symptoms, but which can have serious adverse impact if left untreated before conception. Based on the results of these investigations, doctors will advise you instructions regarding certain exercises, diet , lifestyle, and necessary supplements (like multivitamin). If any woman is having Rh- blood group then her partner blood group is tested for Rh factor and if partner blood is Rh + then their foetus may develop haemolytic disease, a serious condition which can cause severe anaemia in developing baby even leading to infant death in some cases. 4-RUBELLA AND CHICKENPOX VACCINATIONSRubella is a flu like illness caused by rubella virus. If this test turned out to be negative that means you are not immune and ideally you should be taking RUBELLA vaccination prior to planning pregnancy and since this vaccine is a live virus vaccine –you should not become pregnant in the following one or two month even by a mistake, because the vaccine itself may lead to harm to the foetus if conception happens within one month of RUBELLA vaccination.
Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-10

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal condition affecting the ovaries.

In the normal menstrual cycle, there are usually many follicles around 7-8 on an average that start growing and one of these follicles will mature to release an egg at ovulation.

However, in a woman affected by  PCOS, there is an imbalance in the FSH and LH hormone and overproduction of hormone androgen which makes multiple follicles grow but none matures to an egg thereby causing infertility due to anovulation.PCOS OR POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME  WHAT ARE THE CAUSES PCOS?While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but we know that genetics plays an important role.

Women are more likely to develop PCOS if they inherit the diabetic gene from family & Obesity unmasks the symptoms of PCOS.Overproduction of the hormone androgen (male hormone) may be another contributing factor.

Women with PCOS often produce higher-than-normal levels of androgen.

Excess insulin (a hormone that helps convert sugars and starches into energy) may cause high androgen levels.WHEN TO SEE A  DOCTOR?

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-17

Oocyte CryopreservationAs we know unlike in the case of men a women’s reproductive life is limited by age.

Or a genetic mutation that leads to decline in ovarian reserve or removal of ovary may be the last option.

Premenopausal is a time of transition –the change of life – Your ovaries  are starting to produce less estrogen & progesterone.

STEPS OF EGG FREEZING  STEP 1: CONSULTATION Before beginning the egg-freezing process, counselling of patient is  done and screening blood test is advised like AMH(anti mullerian  hormone) and viral markers (HIV, HBSAG, HCV, VDRL).

The  size of the follicles indicates the degree of egg maturity, usually  10-15 follicles will develops in the ovaries during standard stimulation  protocol.

Aspiration of ovarian follicles under  anaesthesia is done in OT adjacent to the IVF laboratory.

Rashmi Sharma 2022-01-22
It’s important to select the best center for IVF treatment, that can make you feel comfortable and clear all the questions you may have in your mind. Choosing the right IVF center for treatment can be tricky sometimes as there are many centers. 2)  Know about the team:This is sad but it is true that some people misguide due to lack of knowledge. The doctors will tell you the success rate and he/she will tell you your success rate also. It has been recognized by economic times as the Best IVF Center in India (North).
Rashmi Sharma 2021-08-02

One of them is IUI, Intrauterine Insemination.Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) is a fertility treatment in which the semen(that has been washed) from male partner is transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus with the help of a thin catheter.

And there are some things  you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment.

A good health and fitness leads to successful fertilization.

That’s why light exercises are best to do during this period as it also enhances blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.Build and maintain a positivity in you:  To keep you away from stress, maintaining a positive attitude is a must during and after the process.

It will also help you to achieve good mental health.Maintain a healthy sleep pattern: After Intrauterine insemination procedure, it is crucial for both mother and child if they don’t get enough sleep.

IVFexperts recommend getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-07

Medical science has advanced so rapidly and has simple and effective treatments to help a couple to overcome whatever may be the primary cause of their infertility.How to identify Infertility?Infertility is often identified in a couple if they are unable to get pregnant despite having tired, unprotected intercourse for one year.

There are no “symptoms” of infertility since it is not a disease, it is simply a medical condition that can be treated with some medical procedures.Do you need to see a doctor?If it has been less than a year of you trying to get pregnant, we don’t recommend you to see a doctor.

However, if you are coming across the following conditions then we recommend you to take a consultation.For women:● If You are 35 Years old or older and you have been trying for more than 6 months.

● If Your fallopian tubes are blocked.

● If Your egg reserve is too lowFor men:● If You have a low sperm count or zero sperm count.

It may take some time, some infertile couples will conceive with mild medical intervention and will need medical assistance like IVF/ICSI.What are the risk factors for infertility?The use of alcohol, tobacco, and smoking can make it very hard to get pregnant.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-15

What is ICSI : Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a micro manipulation technique used in the process of fertilization (IVF).

It involves injecting a single sperm into the center of a mature oocyte under a microscope (i.e.

injecting sperms through the egg’s shell so that sperm does not need to penetrate the shell in order to fertilize the egg).ICSI is also known as Micromanipulation and involves sophisticated and advanced techniques and equipments.

This technique has changed the approach towards male infertility and has given hopes to male patient who has low sperm or Nil sperm count.In this procedure one sperm is injected directly into each mature egg under a specialized inverted microscope with microinjection pipette.

The reported pregnancy rate in an ICSI procedure is same as in IVF – ET alone.Difference between IVF & ICSI In IVF fertilization takes place in a dish where many sperm are placed near an egg.Whereas in ICSI an embryologist selects a single sperm to be injected directly into an egg.ICSI Six Step ProcessINTRACYTOPLASMIC SPERM INJECTION (ICSI)Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), is an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg.

Although certain severe forms of male infertility have a genetic origin, others may be the result of environmental factors.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-10-20

Well, not to worry anymore, this might help you inopening your eyes and make the right decision that can change your life forever.Nearly 1 in 7 couples in India struggle with infertility.

In up to half of these couples, male infertility plays at least a partial role.

What is Semen Analysis?In simple terms, we can say that semen analysis is a sperm count test wherein semen is the fluid containing sperm, other sugar and protein substances that is released during ejaculation and its analysis helps to measure factors of sperm health like the number, shape and movement of the sperm.Semen analysis not only helps to determine male infertility but also for vasectomy success.

In a vasectomy, the tubes that send sperm from the testicles are cut for birth control.

Why Semen Analysis?With help of semen analysis, we can identify and evaluate the following :     Volume –  It’s important for men to know their sperm volume levels.

This blog looks at what can affect sperm volume levels, the different methods to measure these levels, what are considered normal levels and how men can improve their sperm volume levels, if they are subnormal.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-26

Secondary Infertility: It is a diagnosed case when a couple fails to conceive a baby after having one or more successful pregnancies.How conventional is infertility:Infertility affects one in six men and women of reproductive age.

It is usually caused due to infections  like STDs(sexually transmitted diseases) and other normal bacterial  infections.2.

(mainly those fibroids that are abutting the endometrium.3.

This later leads to infertility.Ovulation Disorders: Ovulation disorders occur when any  female has problems in the regulation of reproductive hormones or  problems in ovaries.

This disorder occurs when your ovary  no longer produces eggs before the age of 40.

PCOS(Polycystic ovary syndrome):  It is a condition that affects the hormone levels of women during  childbearing years(From the stage of puberty to menopause).

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-27

Blastocyst Transfer: In the IVF treatment, the sperm and egg are combined and left to fertilize in a laboratory.

Only after an embryo is formed, it is placed inside the uterus.

This process allows us to identify the best and healthy embryo to be transferred.

It is basically a process of selecting the best embryo.

When younger women go for IVF, blastocyst transfer is considered to increase the success rate of IVF.

We also consider Blastocyst a good option in case of multiple IVF failure cases.Difference between ET & Blastocyst Transfer: In This technique, the embryo is cultured in the laboratory incubator for 5 to 6  days, instead of implanting in 2 or 3 days.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-10
CAUSES OF INFERTILITY 40 % Male Factor 40 % Female Factor 10 % Combined 10 % Unexplained   Simply speaking you need – egg, sperm, uterus, and tube to make a baby and if there is a problem with any of these, one is likely to suffer from infertility. FEMALE FACTORS If both your fallopian tubes are blocked or badly damaged. If you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility (that means both husband and wife tests are normal) for more than 2 years. MALE FACTORS The male partner has sperm problems, like low sperm count & motility or abnormal shape sperms If your husband has zero sperms in semen then sperms from testis can be retrieved and used in IVF-ICSI THE ENTIRE IVF PROCEDURE IS DIVIDED BROADLY INTO FIVE STAGES   Ovarian stimulation and monitoring In a normal ovulation cycle, one egg usually matures per month. Monitoring consists of Transvaginal Ultrasound, which measures the growth of the egg follicles and the thickness of the uterine lining, both of which should be increasing as you take the injectable medications. Egg (oocyte) retrieval/Egg pick up The stimulation phase ends with a trigger shot.
Rashmi Sharma 2022-03-28
We are one of the finest IVF center and fertility clinic in Delhi who are dedicatedly working towards helping couples who are trying to conceive but are not able to. We have the best IVF specialist in Delhi who have years of experience and have an impressive success rate in infertility treatments. The world-class facilities along with competent staff have enabled us to achieve an outstanding success rate and become one of the best IVF center in Delhi. We at Origyn IVF have an experienced and compassionate team of IVF doctors and embryologists and have won various excellence awards and recognitions for being one of the best IVF clinic in Delhi. The best IVF center in Delhi are determined on various factors like success rates, facilities, qualification, and location:International Pride IVF & Surrogacy Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)International Fertility Center, Delhi (Low-Cost IVF Center in Delhi)Origyn IVF, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Akanksha IVF Center Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Ayushman Hospital and Health Service, Delhi (Low-cost IVF Center in India)Indira IVF Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Max Healthcare IVF Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Advance Fertility Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Elixir Fertility Center, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi)Gaudium IVF Clinic, Delhi (Best IVF Center in Delhi      Origyn IVF 4th Floor, HB Twin Tower, NSP, Pitampura, New Delhi - 110034 Email Id- vijayorigynivf@gmail.
Rashmi Sharma 2022-01-22
It’s important to select the best center for IVF treatment, that can make you feel comfortable and clear all the questions you may have in your mind. Choosing the right IVF center for treatment can be tricky sometimes as there are many centers. 2)  Know about the team:This is sad but it is true that some people misguide due to lack of knowledge. The doctors will tell you the success rate and he/she will tell you your success rate also. It has been recognized by economic times as the Best IVF Center in India (North).
Rashmi Sharma 2021-10-09

While IVF or In-vitro fertilization is a blessing from medical science for women with age or health issues, it is still a risky treatment that can cause negative outcomes.

Egg donor IVF is presented as a last resort to couples by experts as an alternative to enjoy parenthood where there is no other way.

So, how to choose the right egg donor for your IVF?Today, women who face fertility issues that hinder the process of conceiving naturally, approach an IVF Specialists to assist their journey to become a mother.

However, in some cases, self-egg IVF is not an appropriate option due to decreasing egg reserve or unfavorable age in spite of egg reserve, the egg donor is recommended.The experts, then, counsel the couple about this third-party reproduction, in which, there is no direct contact with donors, their images are not shared, and their anonymity is maintained.

While donors do not have an idea about who will be receiving their eggs, intended mothers also do not know about the donor.

There are many aspects to consider while selecting who feels right and what meets the requirements for you in this beautiful process of creating your family.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-08-02

One of them is IUI, Intrauterine Insemination.Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) is a fertility treatment in which the semen(that has been washed) from male partner is transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus with the help of a thin catheter.

And there are some things  you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment.

A good health and fitness leads to successful fertilization.

That’s why light exercises are best to do during this period as it also enhances blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.Build and maintain a positivity in you:  To keep you away from stress, maintaining a positive attitude is a must during and after the process.

It will also help you to achieve good mental health.Maintain a healthy sleep pattern: After Intrauterine insemination procedure, it is crucial for both mother and child if they don’t get enough sleep.

IVFexperts recommend getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-17

पिसीओएस (PCOS) या  पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम(polycystic ovarian syndrome) अंडाशय को  प्रभावित करने वाली एक हार्मोनल (hormonal) स्थिति है। सामान्य मासिक धर्म  चक्र(menstural cycle) में, आमतौर पर लगभग  7-8 के आसपास फॉलिकल  (follicles) होते हैं जो बढ़ने लगते हैं और इनमें से एक फॉलिकल (follicle)  अंडे को छोड़ने के लिए परिपक्व होगा। हालांकि, पीसीओएस से प्रभावित महिला  में, एफएसएच (FSH) और एलएच (LH) हार्मोन(hormone) में असंतुलन होता है और  एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) का अधिक उत्पादन होता है, जिसकी वजह से  कोई भी अंडा (egg) परिपक्व नहीं होता है, जिससे एनोव्यूलेश(anovulation)  के कारण बच्चा ठहरने  में मुश्किल आती है ।(PCOS) का कारण क्या होता है ?

पीसीओएस(pcos)  का सटीक कारण अज्ञात है, लेकिन हम जानते हैं कि पैरेंटल  जीन्स (parental genes) एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। PCOS विकसित होने   की अधिक संभावना होती है, अगर उनके परिवार में डायबिटिक (diabetic)जीन  (gene)पायी जाती है | एण्ड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone)(जो कि एक पुरुष हार्मोन है) का  अधिक मात्रा में होना (overproduction) भी पीसीओएस (pcos) में कारण हो सकता  है। पीसीओएस में महिलाओं में अक्सर एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) का  लेवल नार्मल मात्रा से अधिक मात्रा में पाया जाता है । यह  ओवुलेशन(ovulation) के दौरान अंडे के विकास और उसके रिलीज(release) को  प्रभावित कर सकता है। इंसुलिन हार्मोन (insulin hormone)(एक हार्मोन जो  शुगर(sugar) और स्टार्च(starch) को एनर्जी (energy) में बदलने में मदद करता  है) एंड्रोजन हार्मोन(androgen hormone) के बढ़े हुए लेवल का कारण भी होता  है। एक डॉक्टर को आपको कब दिखाना चाहिए?यदि आप पीसीओएस (pcos) के इन लक्षणों में से किसी भी लक्षण से पीड़ित हैं| PCOS महिलाओं के उम्र की तीनों अवस्थाओं  को प्रभावित करता है | 1-किशोरावस्था के दौरान: (young age) मुंहासे, चेहरे पर अत्यधिक बाल आना और अनियमित पीरियड्स होते हैं।2-प्रजनन आयु के दौरान (reproductive age) पॉलीसिस्टिक अंडाशय(ovaries) के साथ बांझपन की दर(percentage) बहुत अधिक  है। इन महिलाओं को आमतौर पर गर्भवती होने में कठिनाई होती है और आमतौर पर  गर्भधारण के अवसरों में सुधार के लिए उपचार(treatment) की आवश्यकता होती  है।जिन महिलाओं में पीसीओएस की वजह से गर्भधारण करने में मुश्किल हो रही है  उन्हें एक प्रजनन चिकित्सक (infertility specialist) से परामर्श करना  चाहिए जो पीसीओएस को ठीक से समझता है।  बांझपन और गर्भावस्था में मधुमेह  (gestational diabetes) की संभावना अधिक होती है। 3- 30-40 के बाद: -(old  age)ऐसी महिलाओं के लिए मधुमेह, हृदय रोग, गर्भाशय के कैंसर,के लिए 5 गुना बढ़ा हुआ जोखिम होता है| एक अध्ययन(studies) से पता चला है कि भारत में लगभग 18% महिलाएं  पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) से पीड़ित हैं और बढ़ते मोटापे के  कारण यह समस्या और बढ़ती जा रही है।पीसीओएस में गर्भधारण के इलाज को तीन steps में किया जा सकता है जैसे – १- पहला इलाज़ जिसमें महीने के दूसरे या तीसरे दिन से अंडा बनाने की दवाई  खिलाकर अल्ट्रासाउंड के जरिये अंडे की वृद्धि को देखते हुए महिला को दिन  बता दिए जाते हैं जब हस्बैंड (husband) और( wife) को साथ में रहना होता  है  |२-अगर पहले इलाज से गर्भधारण नहीं हो पाता तो IUI (intra uterine  insemination) के द्वारा गर्भधारण कराया जा सकता है जिसमें कि अंडा बनने पर  हस्बैंड (husband) के शुक्राणुओं को लैब (andrology lab) में तैयार करके  बच्चेदानी में एक पतली नली के द्वारा डाल दिया जाता है | यह एक दर्दरहित   प्रोसीजर (procedure) होता है जिसे करने में सिर्फ ५-१० मिनट ही लगते हैं |  ३- आखिरी इलाज IVF (in vitro fertilization) होता है जो कि तब किया जाता  है जब पहले सारे इलाज करने के बावजूद गर्भधारण करने में असफलता प्राप्त  होती है |IVF में अंडा बनाने के लिए दवाई की जगह इंजेक्शन का उपयोग किया जाता है  ताकि अंडों की अधिक मात्रा में प्राप्ति हो | जिससे हमें एक बार में ही  अधिक भ्रूण मिलने की सफलता प्राप्त हो | यह इंजेक्शन १०- १२ दिन लगते हैं  और बारहवें दिन जब सारे अंडे mature हो जाते हैं तब , अल्ट्रासाउंड   (ultrasound) के जरिये देखते हुए अण्डों को निकाल लिया जाता है | यह बिलकुल  दर्दरहित होता है और आपको ३-४ घंटे भर्ती किया जाता है | इसके बाद लैब में  भ्रूण बनाया जाता है , जिसे ३-५ दिन बाद बच्चेदानी में डाल दिया जाता है |  IVF में इंजेक्शन के अलावा और कहीं भी इस प्रक्रिया में कोई दर्द नहीं होता |हालाँकि, आपको यह  ध्यान रखना है कि प्रत्येक मरीज अलग होता है और  स्थितियाँ एक मामले से दूसरे मामले में भिन्न हो सकती हैं। इसलिए किसी भी  तरह के निष्कर्ष पर जाने से पहले एक अच्छे डॉक्टर की राय लें।ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए और आपकी सहायता करने के लिए हमारे ORIGYN FERTILITY AND IVF CENTRE पर संपर्क करेंहमारे चिकित्सक आपकी हर तरह से सहायता करने के लिए तत्पर हैं |

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-07

Medical science has advanced so rapidly and has simple and effective treatments to help a couple to overcome whatever may be the primary cause of their infertility.How to identify Infertility?Infertility is often identified in a couple if they are unable to get pregnant despite having tired, unprotected intercourse for one year.

There are no “symptoms” of infertility since it is not a disease, it is simply a medical condition that can be treated with some medical procedures.Do you need to see a doctor?If it has been less than a year of you trying to get pregnant, we don’t recommend you to see a doctor.

However, if you are coming across the following conditions then we recommend you to take a consultation.For women:● If You are 35 Years old or older and you have been trying for more than 6 months.

● If Your fallopian tubes are blocked.

● If Your egg reserve is too lowFor men:● If You have a low sperm count or zero sperm count.

It may take some time, some infertile couples will conceive with mild medical intervention and will need medical assistance like IVF/ICSI.What are the risk factors for infertility?The use of alcohol, tobacco, and smoking can make it very hard to get pregnant.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-22

Precious Egg Donor ProgramEgg donation means when a woman with good ovarian reserves donates Egg Oocytes to infertile women, having poor egg reserve  (ovarian reserve), or no egg formation due to age or any other reason.Origyn Fertility & IVF carries very successful egg donation program,  following all guidelines laid by ICMR under which it is clearly mentioned that no ART Clinic can provide oocyte donors, sperm donors and surrogate mother to the patient directly, a separate ART Bank  (Artificial reproductive Technology Bank) is required for the same.

We have collaboration with ART BANKS who provide us a wide range of Indian  Donors & Caucasian Donors too.

Our center always encourages professional egg donation, which means where donor goes IVF to donate eggs for a couple rather than egg sharing (in which eggs are shared with a  couple undergoing IVF for themselves).

In the case of egg sharing, there is a compromise of both IVF cycles.Egg Donor ProgramEgg Donor Program Who requires egg donation?

If a woman has no ovaries (either congenitally absent or removed due to any surgery).Women having a very low quality of ovarian reserve, maybe due to age, or can be some unexplained reason.A previous history of IVF failures.Premature Ovarian Failure (where menopause has started much earlier, before 40).A genetically transmitted disease that could be passed on to your child.How we  choose a suitable donor for the couple A lady should be less than 30 years of age having her own kid, which proves her fertility.We emphasize that her looks or physical appearance are as close to the intended mother as possible.USG of the donor is done to look for AFC (ANTRAL FOLLICLE COUNT), if AFC is good then is followed by AMH testing.A thorough history & observation is of the donor is performed along with psychological counseling.All the baseline tests of the donor are carried out to confirm her fitness.The donor is given complete care and attention and their injections are given in our center only so that the schedule is not disturbed.As the Egg donation in India is Anonymous, so we follow all legalities for that, we share donor profiles (age, educational qualification, ethnicity, the color of hairs, eyes, complexion, how many kids, etc.)

with the patient but not the photograph of the donor.The success rate of IVF with Donor egg is very high, 60-70%.The donor program is well coordinated with patients stationed outside Delhi through mails.Egg Donor ProgramAre you looking for an egg donation clinic for IVF in Delhi NCR?

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-15

What is ICSI : Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a micro manipulation technique used in the process of fertilization (IVF).

It involves injecting a single sperm into the center of a mature oocyte under a microscope (i.e.

injecting sperms through the egg’s shell so that sperm does not need to penetrate the shell in order to fertilize the egg).ICSI is also known as Micromanipulation and involves sophisticated and advanced techniques and equipments.

This technique has changed the approach towards male infertility and has given hopes to male patient who has low sperm or Nil sperm count.In this procedure one sperm is injected directly into each mature egg under a specialized inverted microscope with microinjection pipette.

The reported pregnancy rate in an ICSI procedure is same as in IVF – ET alone.Difference between IVF & ICSI In IVF fertilization takes place in a dish where many sperm are placed near an egg.Whereas in ICSI an embryologist selects a single sperm to be injected directly into an egg.ICSI Six Step ProcessINTRACYTOPLASMIC SPERM INJECTION (ICSI)Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), is an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg.

Although certain severe forms of male infertility have a genetic origin, others may be the result of environmental factors.

Rashmi Sharma 2022-02-19
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is one of the indicators of the number of eggs in your ovaries, or your ovarian reserve. Low AMH levels are generally considered to be an indicator of a low ovarian reserve. ) to make a baby, so low ovarian reserve doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to get pregnant. You don’t need any special preparations for an AMH test. It’s time for you to get your AMH test done, boost your fertility, and have a healthy baby.
Rashmi Sharma 2021-10-20

Well, not to worry anymore, this might help you inopening your eyes and make the right decision that can change your life forever.Nearly 1 in 7 couples in India struggle with infertility.

In up to half of these couples, male infertility plays at least a partial role.

What is Semen Analysis?In simple terms, we can say that semen analysis is a sperm count test wherein semen is the fluid containing sperm, other sugar and protein substances that is released during ejaculation and its analysis helps to measure factors of sperm health like the number, shape and movement of the sperm.Semen analysis not only helps to determine male infertility but also for vasectomy success.

In a vasectomy, the tubes that send sperm from the testicles are cut for birth control.

Why Semen Analysis?With help of semen analysis, we can identify and evaluate the following :     Volume –  It’s important for men to know their sperm volume levels.

This blog looks at what can affect sperm volume levels, the different methods to measure these levels, what are considered normal levels and how men can improve their sperm volume levels, if they are subnormal.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-08-03
If you have decided to start a family, you are probably already thinking about ways to increase your chances of having a normal pregnancy and a healthy newborn. It is an important aspect as many diseases can be treated or managed beforehand to reduce risks to the mother and baby’s health if they are identified timely.A healthy woman can also carry some diseases which do not cause any symptoms, but which can have serious adverse impact if left untreated before conception. Based on the results of these investigations, doctors will advise you instructions regarding certain exercises, diet , lifestyle, and necessary supplements (like multivitamin). If any woman is having Rh- blood group then her partner blood group is tested for Rh factor and if partner blood is Rh + then their foetus may develop haemolytic disease, a serious condition which can cause severe anaemia in developing baby even leading to infant death in some cases. 4-RUBELLA AND CHICKENPOX VACCINATIONSRubella is a flu like illness caused by rubella virus. If this test turned out to be negative that means you are not immune and ideally you should be taking RUBELLA vaccination prior to planning pregnancy and since this vaccine is a live virus vaccine –you should not become pregnant in the following one or two month even by a mistake, because the vaccine itself may lead to harm to the foetus if conception happens within one month of RUBELLA vaccination.
Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-26

Secondary Infertility: It is a diagnosed case when a couple fails to conceive a baby after having one or more successful pregnancies.How conventional is infertility:Infertility affects one in six men and women of reproductive age.

It is usually caused due to infections  like STDs(sexually transmitted diseases) and other normal bacterial  infections.2.

(mainly those fibroids that are abutting the endometrium.3.

This later leads to infertility.Ovulation Disorders: Ovulation disorders occur when any  female has problems in the regulation of reproductive hormones or  problems in ovaries.

This disorder occurs when your ovary  no longer produces eggs before the age of 40.

PCOS(Polycystic ovary syndrome):  It is a condition that affects the hormone levels of women during  childbearing years(From the stage of puberty to menopause).

Rashmi Sharma 2021-04-10

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal condition affecting the ovaries.

In the normal menstrual cycle, there are usually many follicles around 7-8 on an average that start growing and one of these follicles will mature to release an egg at ovulation.

However, in a woman affected by  PCOS, there is an imbalance in the FSH and LH hormone and overproduction of hormone androgen which makes multiple follicles grow but none matures to an egg thereby causing infertility due to anovulation.PCOS OR POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME  WHAT ARE THE CAUSES PCOS?While the exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but we know that genetics plays an important role.

Women are more likely to develop PCOS if they inherit the diabetic gene from family & Obesity unmasks the symptoms of PCOS.Overproduction of the hormone androgen (male hormone) may be another contributing factor.

Women with PCOS often produce higher-than-normal levels of androgen.

Excess insulin (a hormone that helps convert sugars and starches into energy) may cause high androgen levels.WHEN TO SEE A  DOCTOR?

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-27

Blastocyst Transfer: In the IVF treatment, the sperm and egg are combined and left to fertilize in a laboratory.

Only after an embryo is formed, it is placed inside the uterus.

This process allows us to identify the best and healthy embryo to be transferred.

It is basically a process of selecting the best embryo.

When younger women go for IVF, blastocyst transfer is considered to increase the success rate of IVF.

We also consider Blastocyst a good option in case of multiple IVF failure cases.Difference between ET & Blastocyst Transfer: In This technique, the embryo is cultured in the laboratory incubator for 5 to 6  days, instead of implanting in 2 or 3 days.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-17

Oocyte CryopreservationAs we know unlike in the case of men a women’s reproductive life is limited by age.

Or a genetic mutation that leads to decline in ovarian reserve or removal of ovary may be the last option.

Premenopausal is a time of transition –the change of life – Your ovaries  are starting to produce less estrogen & progesterone.

STEPS OF EGG FREEZING  STEP 1: CONSULTATION Before beginning the egg-freezing process, counselling of patient is  done and screening blood test is advised like AMH(anti mullerian  hormone) and viral markers (HIV, HBSAG, HCV, VDRL).

The  size of the follicles indicates the degree of egg maturity, usually  10-15 follicles will develops in the ovaries during standard stimulation  protocol.

Aspiration of ovarian follicles under  anaesthesia is done in OT adjacent to the IVF laboratory.

Rashmi Sharma 2021-03-10
CAUSES OF INFERTILITY 40 % Male Factor 40 % Female Factor 10 % Combined 10 % Unexplained   Simply speaking you need – egg, sperm, uterus, and tube to make a baby and if there is a problem with any of these, one is likely to suffer from infertility. FEMALE FACTORS If both your fallopian tubes are blocked or badly damaged. If you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility (that means both husband and wife tests are normal) for more than 2 years. MALE FACTORS The male partner has sperm problems, like low sperm count & motility or abnormal shape sperms If your husband has zero sperms in semen then sperms from testis can be retrieved and used in IVF-ICSI THE ENTIRE IVF PROCEDURE IS DIVIDED BROADLY INTO FIVE STAGES   Ovarian stimulation and monitoring In a normal ovulation cycle, one egg usually matures per month. Monitoring consists of Transvaginal Ultrasound, which measures the growth of the egg follicles and the thickness of the uterine lining, both of which should be increasing as you take the injectable medications. Egg (oocyte) retrieval/Egg pick up The stimulation phase ends with a trigger shot.