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Technical Drawing 101: Deep Dive into the Practice

Nathan Davis
Technical Drawing 101: Deep Dive into the Practice

With that said, a large part of design relies heavily on the designers skill for visualization, in short the ability to listen deeply to your client’s vision and create the physical representation while considering limitations, expansion, and infusing your own creativity and flare.

With the burgeoning use of computerized rendering, the demand for hand drawn drafts is decreasing.

Taking a deeper dive into the skill behind hand drawing illuminates aspects such as isometric drawing, orthographic drawing, and dimension.

While hand-sketched designs provide an intimacy that helps cultivate communication between the client and the designer, a three-dimensional computer rendering provides an easier to consume reality of the end product.

The ArchDaily, an online source of architecture based resources, elaborates on this style in their article The Computer vs The Hand in Architectural Drawing: ArchDaily Readers Respond.

“[O]ne of the most enduring arguments in architecture – especially in the academic sphere – is the battle between hand drawing and computer aided design.

Nathan Davis
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