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What is An Affiliate Cashback Business? A Simple Startup Guide for Beginners

Nebula Ziya
What is An Affiliate Cashback Business? A Simple Startup Guide for Beginners

In this modern era, most of the business people started an online business with the help of affiliate programs because it can quickly and affordably drive more traffic and increase sales from your e-commerce store.

In common question? Why many e-commerce brands are considering starting their own affiliate programs:

* 85% of brands use affiliate marketing programs.

* Almost 15% of all digital media industry’s revenue comes from affiliate marketing.

* 40% of marketers call affiliate marketing one of the top customer procurement methods.

That said— what is an affiliate program? How can you get started?

What is an Affiliate Program?

Affiliate cashback business is the process of earning money by promoting another website’s products with some offers.

It’s a simple relationship between two websites: an advertiser and a publisher.

An advertiser (you as the e-commerce store owner) has products you want to sell, and a publisher (affiliate) promotes these products on their own site with cashback offers and earns a commission on every sale.

An advertiser can leverage another website’s influence, traffic, and expertise to generate sales for their online business, and only pay after the sale is complete.

The publisher uses their influence and web traffic to make money from the e-commerce store owner.

They can earn a commission from on direct sales, but can also earn commissions based on a number of other actions taken on the website, based on their affiliation.

Examples of Affiliate Program Payouts:

Direct Sales. Earn a commission from website traffic that drives a sale.

Leads. Earn commissions on actions like email sign-ups, social media follows website form submissions, content downloads, etc.

Clicks. The e-commerce owner looking to build a huge amount of traffic might pay an affiliate on a cost-per-click basis.

Source: https://cashbackscript.net/blog/posts/What-is-An-Affiliate-Cashback-Business?-A-Simple-Startup-Guide-for-Beginners

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Nebula Ziya
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