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Keep Your Data Intact While Sending And Receiving Faxes Online

iFax App

Data privacy has become one of the major concern for everyone. Especially, when there is an increased risk of identity theft of confidential & sensitive information. The world has already witnessed many online threats and hacks leading to the release of confidential material. It is necessary to be aware of data privacy, safeguarding data so as to entrust any system. Primarily, this has to be taken care of while using internet fax services online
. One has to make sure to implement best practices around maintaining privacy and keeping data secured. This can easily be understood by categorising the data into personally identifiable information (PII). PII along with the combination of other information can identify an individual as a subscriber, customer, prospect, vendor or even a staff member. Unintentionally revealing information remains as one of the most prominent causes of identity theft. The best way to cope with that is through raising mental awareness. Here is a list of probable examples from where one might get your PII such as:

- Addresses

- Phone numbers

- E-mail addresses

- Account usernames

- Account numbers

- IP addresses

- Date of birth

- Government ID  

The best way to tackle this issue is by enforcing a rule i.e, don’t need it, don’t collect it. Even though after taking preventive measures there are times when unauthorized personnel may have their prying eyes on your fax lying on the machine or can get your personally identifiable information.

iFax - world’s #1 best online fax service is one such professional mobile fax machine that helps you to tackle all the security-related issues. It follows the guideline and implements best practices by HIPAA & GLBA compliant when it comes to handling the sensitive fax data or content. You can be rest assured about your fax content may it contain your medical records, agreement or contracts. With 128-bit end-to-end TLS encryption, iFax ensures that your data is safe and secure. The iFax app is full of the feature set that will not only help you quickly done with fax but also helps you with custom design and other attributes of the app. Moreover, iFax offers free fax number or you can even do the number portability in case if you wish to keep the same fax number. iFax is HIPAA compliant enterprise-grade fax service provider. You can connect to the leading cloud storage platforms as well as upload your documents from anywhere, anytime. You can fill forms, annotate PDF’s and sign documents instantly. Choose from an array of professional cover page templates, add fax cover notes, flags, comments and also a digital signature.

iFax App
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