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How RFID Applicability Turns-up of Supply Chain Mgt. and Logistics

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How RFID Applicability Turns-up of Supply Chain Mgt. and Logistics

Gliding ahead with precision and care, RFID Technology have solved issues in Supply Chain Management and Logistics with utmost flair!

RFID is slightly slow in the performance that keeps it away from overtaking the barcode, which is in implementation as a reliable and cost-effective solution.

There can be interference in the signal and abundance of tags at one time can often confuse the reader.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a wireless system to send and receive signals via radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.

A basic RFID system consists of RFID reader and RFID tags.

Passive tags are compact and come in many forms: Can be of the size of a keychain, credit card or a label.

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