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Top IoT Tools and Technologies for Developers

kathleen brown
Top IoT Tools and Technologies for Developers

This collaboration helps to completely focus on the development, promotion and adoption of open source IoT technology.

Available in 3.3 V and 5 V versions, powered by ATmega328, Arduino Pro Mini is for semi-permanent installation in objects or exhibitions.

It comes with C/C++ Intelligent Code Completion and Smart Code Linter for rapid professional development.

It comes with multi-projects workflow with Multiple Panes, as well as supports themes with dark and light colors.

The prpl Foundation builds collaborative contributions from the best minds in security, chip and stack design, carrier and mobile communications design, enterprise and storage systems, consumer applications, and much more.

Ninja Sphere works with several smart devices available such as WiFi lightbulbs, connected power sockets, Sonos media centers, and more.

kathleen brown
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