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Exclusive deal: Get $20 off on the new TicWatch Pro 4G/LTE with our promo code

Geekz Snow
Exclusive deal: Get $20 off on the new TicWatch Pro 4G/LTE with our promo code

The most noteworthy addition is evident by its name.

The TicWatch Pro 4G/LTE now offers cellular support exclusively to the Verizon network.

You’re able to initiate and receive calls, send and accept text messages, and access your favorite messaging apps on this smartwatch.

Whether you’re going for a quick run or lounging in the waters on a floatie, you’ll still receive all your notifications at all times.

This immediately dials 911 and broadcasts your location to preset contacts.

Besides its wireless upgrade, the RAM department also received a nice bump up from 512MB to 1GB.

Geekz Snow
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