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Biodegradable alternative to replace microplastics in cosmetics and toiletries

Geekz Snow
Biodegradable alternative to replace microplastics in cosmetics and toiletries

An estimated 30,000 tonnes of microplastics from consumer products end up in our world's oceans every year.

Some of these microplastics are eaten by marine life, passing up the food chain and ending up on our own plates.

Naturbeads' biodegradable alternative to plastic microbeads could reduce microplastic pollution in our oceans, so that traces from suncream, cosmetics and other personal care products don't end up in your fish fingers.

Jamie Rowles, Head of Investment at Sky Ocean Ventures, said: "Despite some legislative bans, harmful plastic microbeads are still in a range of products and continue to leak into our environments.

Finding equivalent replacements to these types of low-cost plastics has been a challenge for industry.

Professor Davide Mattia, from the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies at the University of Bath and co-founder of Naturbeads, said: "Our microbeads are produced using cellulose, the most abundant bio-material on Earth, and what plants and trees are made of.

Geekz Snow
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