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Why uPVC sliding windows and doors are a great choice for you

uma prasad
Why uPVC sliding windows and doors are a great choice for you

Looking to upgrade to uPVC windows and doors? Aparna VENSTER offers stunning contemporary looks, unrivalled choice of styles, exceptional energy efficiency and advanced technical design, when it comes to uPVC Sliding windows and doors – all rolled into one market-leading package.

Aparna VENSTER brings clean sightlines with an internally flush finish – perfect for homeowners looking to create and give a modern look and feel to their home. If you’re looking to achieve a high-end modern finish, choose from contemporary colours and laminations options available.

Aparna VENSTER uPVC windows & doors are especially made to suit the Indian climate. These uPVC windows and uPVC doors maintain their integrity and adopt to extreme heat & cold, heavy rainfall, high winds and corrosive sea water.

uPVC Sliding Windows and Doors:

uPVC Sliding windows and doors are a wonderful way to open up your home and are just the right choice when space is a hindrance. They enhance the looks, security and value of your home. These uPVC windows and uPVC doors do not open in or out, they slide sideways on tracks in the door frame and therefore don’t take up any space in the home when opened. They move on multi-tracks and have multiple locking system in place. They also offer the most uninterrupted view of the outdoors with large panes of glass in each section. By bringing the outside world into your home you can access more natural light, fresh air and a more open plan living space. Making them extra secure are the galvanized steel reinforcement inserted inside the profile.

uPVC Slide and Fold Doors:

The unique uPVC slide and fold doors are the best choice when utilizing limited space. These uPVC doors easily fold on one side while sliding over the crafted framework of the door with ease.

uma prasad
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