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Causes and Treatments of Eye Twitching

Jessy Meshak
Causes and Treatments of Eye Twitching

Besides the above basic knowledge, we Sniper Vision System Review should have a basic idea of common eye problems, their symptoms. Nearsightedness is the most common eye problem, with which people can see clearly when objects are nearby, but when they are far away, vision will become blurred. People in their early age or mid 40s are likely to have nearsightedness. People have Glaucoma will have a poor night vision and blind spots, and they also lose peripheral vision.

The terrible point is people may suffer gradual or sudden blindness. The symptom of Cataract is there is a clouding part in the lens of the eye, so people can not see clearly. This is an eye problem related to age. People with it usually are sensitive to glares, both their daytime and nighttime vision is influenced as well. Macular degeneration is a most common cause of blindness among people more than 60. Its symptoms are blurred, distorted and poor central vision. Diabetic retinopathy can also lead to blindness, which is caused by bleeding in the retina.

Concerning how to take a preventative action to care for our eyes, the following basic points will give you some helps. Under strong sunshine, wear sunglasses to protect our eyes. From food aspect, try to eat more green and lefty vegetables and some food rich in antioxidants, and also drink alcohol as little as possible. And smoking should also be limited. Old people should pay more attention to control their cholesterol level, blood sugar and blood pressure to keep their eyes healthy.

Those who wear contacts know the tedious routine of putting them in each morning, then taking them out at night. Because they can block some of the flow of oxygen to the cornea, lenses must be removed for extended periods of time. Your eyes deserve a rest from contacts. But there are many contact wearers who really don't like to have to remove their lenses, then put them back in, only to remove them again. Now there is a new contact lens material developed by manufacturers which lets oxygen through the contacts to the cornea, thus enabling you to wear them days or weeks at a time without risking the health of your eyes.


Jessy Meshak
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