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Create a Yacht & Boat Rental Website using PluginHive WooCommerce Bookings and Claue

Devesh Rajarshi
Create a Yacht & Boat Rental Website using PluginHive WooCommerce Bookings and Claue

Nowadays, online boat rental websites are constantly improving and streamlining their workflow to improve customers satisfaction. Everything starting from page presentation, booking calendar, contact form to photo gallery, require extra care as each play an important role in generating revenue.

The current trend suggests that your rental website should have a modern look and an alluring booking system to generate revenue and attract more customers. So it’s imperative to find the best solutions that offer such facilities. 

In the WooCommerce environment, you could install a nice-looking WordPress theme and a professional WooCommerce Bookings plugin to set up your yacht charter & boat rental website. Which is simple considering you have so many options in the market. 

Driving down on the same road, we are going to look at the two best contenders – Claue theme and PluginHive WooCommerce Bookings, and see the best ways to use these two powerful tools to their potential and produce best results.

The Gorgeous Claue theme

It’s a smart decision to spend time enhancing every fragment of your website since the majority part of your business is online. Things like website design, on-page SEO, page speed, performance, responsiveness, etc., matter a lot and need vital attention. Thankfully we have a smart one in hand. 

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Devesh Rajarshi
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