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2D Echo in Pune | Imagesense Diagnostic Center

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2D Echo test can help recognize cardiomyopathies, for example, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, expanded cardiomyopathy, and numerous others. The Imagesense diagnostic center provides trusted 2D Echo in Pune.

Imagesense 2D Echo in Pune will use the measurements to determine how your heart is working and whether or not any abnormalities are present. A Doppler echo is often done at the same time in order to determine how the blood flows in your heart. The swishing sounds you hear during the test indicate blood flowing through the valves and chambers.

Heart walls and valves reflect part of the sound waves back to the transducer to produce pictures of the heart. These images appear in black and white and in color on a TV screen. They’re selectively recorded on videotape and special paper, and reviewed and interpreted by a cardiologist (heart specialist). From the pictures, it is possible to measure the size of each part of your heart, to study motion and appearance of the valves and the function of the heart muscle.

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