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How Agile Project Management Prevents Resource Conflicts

Jay Davis
How Agile Project Management Prevents Resource Conflicts

Agile Project Management helps when your team has got evolving needs and wants to rapidly deliver the project.

The traditional way, mostly known as the Waterfall methodology fails to keep up with the requirements change.

On one hand, Agile Methodology is about iterative planning whereas on the other hand Waterfall is about sequential planning.

In software development companies there are constant requirements changes.

So a method that is based on continuous planning and feedback through the process will deliver the business value right from the start.

It has few benefits, let us walk you through it


  • Regular Testing produces high-quality products

The testing’s integrated through the production cycle. Regular testing makes sure whether the product is working through the development, and helps resolve issues if any.


  • Meeting Customer’s needs

User interaction is encouraged. The product owner is present every step of the way of progress of development. And his feedback and involvement is essential to deliver the right product.


  • Chances of risks are reduced

From the beginning of the project, in the very first sprint, you have a working product. It completely eliminates the chances of complete project failure.


  • Seamless collaboration

Everyone is on the same page regarding the project, the scrum master, the product owner, and the development team. Daily scrum meetings identify the work done, the work to be done and the issues.


Read the full article at Orangescrum Blog

Jay Davis
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