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All you need to know about Indian hair extensions

Adorable Hair Suppliers
All you need to know about Indian hair extensions

Everyone wants to have a head full of hair that is bouncy and shiny like those Pantene commercials, but not everyone is blessed with good hair. That is where extensions come in, to save your day! Hair extensions can transform your thinning hair to voluminous hair in a jiffy! But before you get an extension at a salon here are a few things that you should know about hair extensions - 

Hair extensions are of 3 types

There are 3 types of Indian hair extensions - clip-ins, keratin and tape. There are 3 factors that determine what kind of hair extension you should get - your lifestyle, how long you want to wear the extensions, and how much you are willing to spend on your hair. It goes without saying that keratin extension is the most expensive but the most long-lasting. You can wear keratin extensions for as long as three months. So if you are willing to spend a thousand bucks on your tresses, opt for a keratin extension. If you cannot afford keratin extensions instead you can opt for the tape extension. Do not be worried the tapes are invisible and no one can feel it either. The superglue on the tape helps keep the extension in place. This type of extensions can be worn for as long as 2 months.

If you are a beginner and it is best to get yourself familiar with hair extensions before you head keratin or a tape extension. It is best if you first try clip-ins. They are extremely easy to use and also very affordable.


Look for wholesale virgin hair vendors

When buying hair extensions, it is best to buy hair extensions from virgin hair vendors because of superior quality. Virgin hair is the best type of hair that you can get for extensions. Virgin hair is hair that has never been subjected to chemical treatment. They are natural and undamaged hair. Synthetic hair extensions are of the lowest quality because of how unnatural they look. They turn out to the shinier than your natural hair and also tends to get tangled pretty fast, but they are the cheapest hair extensions available in the market. You can also buy non-virgin hair, but do know that they tend to be dull because they have been subjected to chemical treatment before and hence may have split ends and can be brittle. So when buying hair from human hair manufacturer, make sure that the extension does not have split ends.

 Maintain your hair

Just because you got hair extensions does not mean that you will not wash your hair for days, until the extensions come off. To protect your hair and also the extension, use gentle shampoos. Shampoos that are free of parable are extremely mild and are great for hair extensions.  If you use clip-ins, remove them from your hair and wash them frequently. Before washing them, make sure that you on them to remove any tangles.

Adorable Hair Suppliers
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