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What Did the Visit of EU Delegation to J&K Finally Prove?

Aahana Ashi
What Did the Visit of EU Delegation to J&K Finally Prove?

Much has been said on the visit of members of the European Parliament to Jammu and Kashmir.

We have earlier busted the misleading, scaremongering narratives on their visit mainly pushed by the opposition.

Now the tour ended and the EU members have addressed the press conference as well.

So, one can look at what all they said and whether any of the fears expressed by the opposition, mainly of ‘internationalisation’ of J, came true?

Even though the Congress-led government itself had permitted EU delegations back in 2009 and 2011 to visit the valley, now the party is arguing that EU members visit will internationalise the issue of J and it will no longer remain India’s internal matter.

We are very angry at being called Nazi lovers.”

Aahana Ashi
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