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5 cricketers with questionable wedded lives.

Laxmipriya Pradhan
5 cricketers with questionable wedded lives.

With regards to cricketers, their devotees are generally mindful of their exhibitions on the cricket pitch.

They move toward becoming icons and create an enormous being a fan through the span of their profession.

Throughout the years, some of the players have likewise proceeded to hoard the features, encompassing the consistent strains in their own association with spouses.

The out-of-support Indian batsman, Murali Vijay wedded Nikita Vanjara toward the finish of 2012 and they additionally have a three-year-old child.

It was additionally discovered that Nikita was Karthik's cherished companion and their dads were likewise amazingly near one another.

Back in March 2015, Smith was accounted for to have erroneously made an impression on his better half rather than his legal counselor where he needed a separation.

Laxmipriya Pradhan
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